Destiny 2: Beyond Light’s new Stasis powers are a total game-changer for the massively multiplayer online looter-shooter. Stasis is already having a major effect in activities like Crucible. So if you’re looking to strengthen that power even more, you can augment your new subclass with Aspects that tweak your ice powers.
In order to do that, you’ll need to claim the Aspect of Control, a key item found during the Born in Darkness quest that's part of Beyond Light's main campaign. In order to complete this, you’ll need to find five Entropic Shards hidden around the icy new destination of Europa. These are unmarked on your map, so they’ll require a bit of hunting. Fortunately, we’re here to show you exactly where you can find them so you can get back to freezing.
How to start the quest
You’ll need to go through a few hoops to pull this off. The Born In Darkness quest becomes available once you beat Beyond Light’s campaign, but you’ll need to do a few things first.
- Light in the Darkness; Finishes Quest Journal Entry; Archimbert Dantaine gave me a crystal and asked me to make my way through the Ayleid ruin nearby in search of an Ayleid Well. Once I find it, I only need to immerse the crystal in its light to fill it.
- A Light in the Dark is a level 40 Exotic Quest from Rise of Iron. By completing the quest, players will receive Thorn, an Exotic Hand Cannon. Players can acquire the Quest by completing Iron Lord Bounties for Shiro-4.
- Darkness in the Lighthouse is a quest in Might & Magic X: Legacy. You get this quest from Maximus after you finish the quest Spiders in the Well. Go back to the southern end ofthe Tiyra Bay areaand locate the Lighthouse. Explore the area around the Lighthouse to gainsome XP. Before going in to do this quest. It is advisable to do lot of killing around the areas possible, to gain few levels.
First, you’ll need to complete the Reclaiming Europa and Empire’s Fall quests, which unlock Empire Hunts. Once you do that, you’ll be able to progress through the Stasis Prototype quest. The end of that quest rewards you with Salvation’s Grip, an exotic grenade launcher that freezes enemies.
You will not be able to interact with Entropic Shards without this weapon. The shards appear as tiny black pyramids hidden throughout the map. When you see one, you’ll need to shoot it with Salvation’s Grip, so make sure you have the weapon and ammo for it when you set out to do this.
240 quotes have been tagged as light-and-darkness: Roy T. Bennett: ‘Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life. Be the light that h.
While there are more than five shards total, you’ll only need to shoot five to get the Aspect of Control. Here are the best five to focus on.
D2 Darkness In The Light
Location 1 - Asterion Abyss
To find this shard, you’ll need to climb the big structure in the middle of the Asterion Abyss. Open your map and you’ll see it near the western wall of the area.

Simply platform your way up the structure and head to the exact pinpoint in the map above, and you’ll find the shard.
Location 2 - Cadmus Ridge
Head into Cadmus Ridge and drive to the western edge of the map, shown above. You’ll find the shard tucked against an ice wall near the southwest of the area.
Darkness In The Light Quest Lights Out
Location 3 - Concealed Void Lost Sector
This shard is located all the way at the end of the Concealed Void Lost Sector in Asterion Abyss. When you get to Asterion Abyss, look for the series of tunnels that are underneath the area north of the structure you climbed to get the first shard. When you’re underground, you’ll see a small cave entrance with a reddish light coming from it. Head in there to get to the Lost Sector.
You’ll need to complete the entire Lost Sector, so kill the enemies to open the gates until you get to the boss room. Take out the boss and all remaining enemies and then stay in that room. Look up and you’ll see an opening in the ceiling. There’s a shard right at the top where the light shines in. Shoot it and move on.
Location 4 - Riis-Reborn Approach
Make your way all the way up to Riis-Reborn Approach. If you’ve done the campaign, you’ve done this hike a dozen times by now. You’ll head through an elevator and then continue north, passing by waves of Vex.
Eventually you’ll hit a second elevator. As soon as you get to the top, you’ll be in a dark room with some steps in it. As you exit the elevator, look at the steps in front of you and walk to the other side of them. It’s hard to see, but a shard is hanging out right under those steps. Shoot it and you’ll only have one left.

Location 5 - Technocrat’s Iron
Continue to this shard straight from the last one (trust me, you don’t want to make this hike twice). From the elevator, just keep going until you warp into the next area. Run forward and you’ll eventually come to a fork in the road, allowing you to continue straight or hand a left. Take the left route and follow it as far as you can’t go any further (you’ll see Technocrat’s Iron pop up on your HUD, which is a signal that you’ve gone the right way). You’ll know you’re there when you hit a big round room with no exit and a servitor hanging out in the middle.
Kill the straggling enemies in this room and then look up at the walls. Standing at the entrance, you’ll see the shard hanging up by the wall to your right. Fire a crystal shot at it and you’re done!

Once you’ve gotten all five, a new quest marker will appear at Riis-Reborn Approach. Head back up there and finish the mission to get the Aspect of Control.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is now available.
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail |
| Laloriaran Dynar looks on at his imprisoned body |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Retrieve the Light of Meridia from underneath the tree.
- Collect and place the three crystals.
- Destroy the two receivers binding the Ayleid King by rotating crystal prisms.
- Talk to the king.
- Enter the portal to the Hollow City.
- Enter the Fighters Guild Training Grounds.
- Talk to the king.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Meridia's Light[edit]
When you first arrive, a projection of King Laloriaran Dynar will appear and ask you to retrieve the Light of Meridia in the front room. It is underneath the large tree to the left. You can move one of the roots to get in, or go around the back, where there's a small gap you can fit through.
The Crystal Puzzle[edit]
Enter the Lightless Oubliette tower. You need to recover three crystals: Lifeshadow, Mindshadow and Flameshadow Crystals.
The Mindshadow Crystal is at the south end of the room, in the library. Take the red crystal at the southernmost end, then use the library gate switch for a quick way back into the main area.
The Flameshadow Crystal is inside the Frozen Alcove. Take the red crystal from the end of the Alcove. Once you do, the Frozen Alcove will begin to melt as lava seeps in through the floor.
The Lifeshadow Crystal is at the north end of the room, in the garden. Take the crystal at the bottom of the stairs, then use the library gate switch at the top to exit quickly.
From left to right, place the Mindshadow, the Flameshadow and the Lifeshadow Crystals. You can place the crystals whenever you want; you don't have to collect all three, then place them.
After the crystals are in place, enter the Ayleid King's prison and set him free.

The Prism Puzzle[edit]
Activate the first crystal prism to the left. Follow the light beam to the last crystal, the third lit one, and press it three times. Press the crystal that lights up five times. Repeat this process of activating the last lit crystal until the next one lights up until all the crystals are lit, and the prompt destroy the north receiver is complete.
Next, you need to do the same thing to the south receiver. Place the light of Meridia in the crystal prism in the southeast corner, then rotate the crystals around. For the second crystal from the southern receiver, make sure the beam of light is headed to the crystal closest to the receiver.
Destroying both receivers frees the King. Talk to him, then follow him as he limps to the eastern side of the room and opens a portal to the Hollow City.
The Hollow City[edit]
Enter the door to the Fighters Guild Training Grounds, then climb the stairs and talk to the King.
- The Light of Meridia can be used within the ruin to brighten the area. Passing near an Essence of Darkness will dispel the light.
- It is possible to enter the Lightless Oubliette without having completed either of the Moonless Walk quests. If you do so, however, the Light of Meridia will not be there. You can still enter the darkened areas where the three Crystals are found, and fight the enemies here (you'll need another light source unless you want to stumble around in the dark), but you won't be able to retrieve the Crystals and thus unlock the main chamber.
- After completing this quest, the Fighters Guild Training Grounds in the Hollow City will unlock, and King Dynar and any other Fighters Guild members you have rescued will be found there. (It is possible to get onto the grounds before this by climbing over the structures outside the eastern gate, but this is when you are supposed to be able to get in.)
Quest Stages[edit]
Light from the Darkness | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
The first step in setting King Laloriaran Dynar free requires that I enter the Lightless Oubliette. Objective: Talk to the Projection of King Laloriaran Dynar | |
The first step in setting King Laloriaran Dynar free requires that I enter the Lightless Oubliette. | |
Now that I'm inside the tower, I need to find the crystals of darkness so that I can move them to the prison door. Objective: Recover Oubliette Crystals Hidden Objective: Use Light of Meridia to Disrupt Binding Shadows Hidden Objective: Place the Flameshadow Crystal Hidden Objective: Place the Mindshadow Crystal Hidden Objective: Place the Lifeshadow Crystal | |
I placed the three crystals of darkness and unlocked the door to King Laloriaran Dynar's prison. I should enter the oubliette and see what I need to do next. | |
I need to use the Light of Meridia to ignite the sconces so that I can direct the radiance to destroy the crystal emitters. This should release the Ayleid King from the darkness that binds him. Objective: Set King Laloriaran Dynar Free Hidden Objective: Activate the North Emitter Hidden Objective: Activate the South Emitter | |
I released King Laloriaran Dynar from the dark energy that bound him. I should talk to him and make sure he's all right. Objective: Talk to King Laloriaran Dynar | |
The Ayleid King opened a portal to the Hollow City. I should follow him and travel there. Objective: Meet King Laloriaran Dynar in the Hollow City | |
I'm back in the Hollow City. I should locate King Laloriaran Dynar and make sure he arrived safely. |