Title | Version | Author |
1-Hit-Kill Mod | Phillio | |
Assembled Jedi Kyle Mod | N3G1@ | |
Attack of the Trekkies! | Phillio | |
Battledroids as Stormtroopers | Prophet | |
Boinga1's Episode 1 MOD | Boinga1 | |
BoL_Stryke (Hilt and SP conversion) and Aaron Smith (Kick@$$ | BoL_Stryke | |
Cannon Bot Mod | eK.FrogMan | |
Chairwalker's_Droids | Mace_Windu21 | |
Cheat Mod | SHADOW_KNIGHT5000 | |
Chiss conversion (1.0) | 1.0 | Ty294 |
Count Dooku | Darth Amote | |
Dark Alien 54 mod | Dark Alien | |
Dark Alien 54 mod | Dark Alien | |
Dark Alien 54 NPC ReMiX | Dark Alien | |
Darzee Mardo | Darth Amote | |
Davy Jones Singleplayer Mod | Saschi | |
Dawn of Darkness | GreenePhoenix | |
Death Monkey's Unlimited Ammo + High Rate of Fire Mod | Death Monkey | |
Die by the Saber | Marchus B. Williams | |
Episode 3 SP Mod | [JEDI] Adam | |
Episode 3: A Jedi's Worst Fear (SE) | SE | Quigon007 |
Episode 3: Begining of Darth Vader SE | Jk2mods | |
Gran And Rodian | tFighterPilot | |
Gran And Rodian | tFighterPilot | |
Gran and Rodian TC | tFighterPilot | |
Gran and Rodian v2 | tFighterPilot | |
Han and Chewie | Quigon007 | |
iDOOM | Tox_Laximus | |
Imp Reb side swap (1.0) | 1.0 | Ty294 |
Imperial Smelting Facility | James Smart | |
Imperial vs. Rebel conversion | Phillio | |
Imperial vs. Rebel conversion (1.1) | 1.1 | Phillio |
Imperial vs. Rebel conversion (1.2) | 1.2 | Phillio |
Indiana Jones SP | MaxFreeman | |
Izanagi Survival Mod | Robin 'Izanagi' Molde | |
Jan Augments | Marchus B. Williams | |
Jan Minus | Obikenobi | |
Jedi Assassin | Ben Warrington | |
Jedi Knight: The New Republic SP Mod | Quigon007 | |
Jedi Temple - Final Battle Mod | _Riddle_ | |
Jedimaster Mod | Osiris | |
Jerec Singleplayer | Lord Nader | |
Jerec's Revenge | Mephisto Jedimaster | |
JK2 Padawan | Sabermap_DT1 | |
JO: Darkness | Jolt_JK2 | |
LotR Mod | Masterslug401 | |
Lots of Friends | iMETALi | |
Luke and Mara 1.0 | AnKura KyouOso | |
Luke Skywalker SP | capinrandom | |
Luke's Son (version 1.0) | gameking300 | |
Luke's Son (Version 2, Part 1) | gameking300 | |
Luke's Son (Version 2, Part 2) | gameking300 | |
Mista Kyle MK2 | MistaMM | |
More Reborn | Jolt1 | |
Neutral Enemy mod | Phillio | |
New NPCs Mod | James Walkden | |
Newjk2demo | Jacheduli | |
Not another Episode 3 mod! | jedi90 | |
Occupation (Version2) | Kengo | |
Old Republic Pilot Replacement | R-B!n | |
Original Triligy Remix | tFighterPilot | |
Portugese Mod | Pablo Manahes | |
Project X: Melee Combat Mod (1.0 Alpha) | 1.0 Alpha | The Project X Team |
Qui-Gon Jinn SP (v 1) | v 1 | Darth Crap |
Rampage Mod | Dark_Maul | |
Rebel Attack! | Omega1989 | |
Rebels To Clones SP | darth_wadys | |
Reborn To Greyfox SP Conversion | Quigon007 | |
Rescue on Riesen III | Ty294 | |
Return Of The Sith (Beta) | Beta | darth_wadys |
Single player Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi_robed | Gta3klichy | |
Single Player Gundams | koopa593 | |
Single Player Gundams (Corruption fixed) | Corruption fixed | koopa593 |
Single Player Kyle Armor Replacment (Beta) | Beta | Raziel990088 |
Sith Tomb | Mkem | |
Snake Skinpack Mod | AceVader0 | |
SP Chewbacca | Chris O'Brien | |
SP Dark Anakin | AceVader0 | |
SP Dark Yoda Reborn | Mystery Knight | |
SP Dark Yoda Reborn V2 | Mystery Knight | |
SP Darth Yoda 1.0 | OberstJedi | |
SP Exar Kun | Andycaccia | |
SP Grand Admiral Thrawn | Phillio | |
SP GrayFox | Tightcorpse | |
Sp JarJar | Kinggaal | |
SP Mech-Robot Pack# 1 | Xenomasta | |
SP Sariss Tavion Mod | Mystery Knight | |
SP Sith Rodian | R-B!n | |
SP Tweek | Dazza-1 | |
SP UberArmy Skin/Mod pack | OberstJedi | |
SP Yoda Luke | Mystery Knight | |
SP_Imperial Model Pack #1 | Xenomasta | |
SP_Imperial Pack #2 | Xenomasta | |
SP_Misc Alien Pack #1 | Xenomasta | |
SP_Misc Alien Pack #2 | Xenomasta | |
SP_Rebel Pack #1 | Xenomasta | |
SP_Rebel Pack #2 | Xenomasta | |
Star Wars Episode 3: A Jedi's Worst Fear (beta 2.0) | beta 2.0 | Quigon007 |
Star Wars Episode 3: A Jedi's Worst Fear (beta 2.5) | beta 2.5 | Quigon007 |
Star Wars Episode 3: A Jedi's Worst Fear (v2.1) | v2.1 | Quigon007 |
Star Wars Episode 3: A Worst Jedi's Fear (beta 1.0) | beta 1.0 | Quigon007 |
StarWars Classic Saga | Darth Tyrangus | |
Stealth Jan | Dark_Lord | |
Stone R2D2 | Spik | |
Tavion | Patch | |
Temple of Count Dooku (1.0) | 1.0 | Chris Mahoney |
The Deluxe Maul Package | Dark_Maul | |
The Geonosian Battle Arena | Various Authors | |
The Ladder: Dragon Remix | Covax | |
The Ladder: Dragon Remix (v1.5) | v1.5 | Covax |
The Mainframe (ver2) | ver2 | Blaster |
The Matrix Remodded | DrX | |
Tiny Empire | Zahriel Omega | |
Yarael Poof SP | Shikar | |
Zabrak SP | Mace_Windu21 |

About This File

I play the best Star Wars game ever made, made even better, through the power of MODS! SUBSCRIBE TO THE MAIN CHANNEL: Twi. This is a Single Player Saber Mod for Jedi Academy. It will suit all people out their who want to have a Red Lightsaber. Just place the RedSaberSP.PK3 file into your: 'C: Jedi Academy Gamedata Base' folder and all is good. It will then allow you to select Red from the saber colour menu. Thanks to LucasARTS for such a awesome Star Wars game.
After a couple of years striving secretly I’m able to present you…
The Jedi Abides: A Big Lebowski mod for Jedi Academy.
Star Wars Jedi Academy Mods
- This mod from Wector is a single player Jedi Academy: Total Conversion. In this mod you will relive the most famous duels from star wars episode 1, 2, 3 and the era Rise Of The Empire. Ultimate Academy 1.0.
- I've been modding for 13 years with various games, and I'm now making a Death Star single player mod for Jedi Academy. All architecture, models, and textures were made by me, except for any of the character models and the model of the Falcon. Let me know what you think!
- This spectacular mod for the Star Wars Jedi Academy game allows your character to resemble Darth Vader. Notice that single player you have to put the '/' slash.
Here you impersonate Jaden Lebowski —The Dude —, the counterpart of our favorite junkie bon vivant Jeffrey Lebowski from our galaxy far, far away. He is the man for his time and place, and is now on his way to the Jedi Academy.
Many elements from the movie — and little surprises as well — were added to the playthrough. The Dude is not only visually a playable character, but also his dialogues were modified to pave the way for the new journey. As a result, it is possible to play the mod from beginning to end without the original narrative losing any sense.
Best Mods For Jedi Academy
Well, actually… when I said all the dialogues, I meant all of them except for the dark side ending — for now. Given the whole COVID-19 and lockdown circumstances, I decided to release the mod before finishing this part. This way, the fans of Big Lebowski and Star Wars around the world can have one more option of entertainment, being able to soothe the soul in the present quarantine times.
Speaking of which, since I have no intention of making any profit from this mod, in case anybody miraculously happens to find a suitcase carrying a million dollars and considers supporting this project, I would rather have it donated to the NO KID HUNGRY — a NGO created by Jeff Bridges, the Dude himself, who is now making efforts to support children in need during the coronavirus crisis. In times like these, any amount of money is urgent and welcome.
Here is the website:
And that’s all! I appreciate your attention and wish you a good time with the mod.
Far f. out!

- This mod is meant to be played on Single Player only.
- Jedi Academy must be patched to version 1.01 to work. I guess. Edius 8 keygen download.
- Some bugs may occur if the player dies in Hoth levels. I couldn’t fix it. Sorry.
- The models were originally made by DT85 and Aaron Smith. Should anybody feel like developing a model of a more detailed Dude, just contact me and I’ll include the work with all the credits.
- To have subtitles on for all dialogue, open the console (SHIFT + ~) and type “/g_subtitles 1”.

- The beauty of it is in its simplicity. Just move the PK3 file into the “base” folder of your game directory.
- In the character selection menu, choose the Dude. Otherwise you might end up finding a stranger in the alps… which is not good, man.
The Jedi Abides - Intro:

The Jedi Abides - First Mission (Yavin IV):