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Iomega Zip 100MB SCSI Drivers Download, Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10. IomegaWare 4.0.2 for Mac OS 8.6 or later, OS X 10.1-10.2.1. Drivers are not needed with OS X 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6. Zip driver 4.2 for Mac Plus running System 6; Interfaces. Zip drives were available in numerous interfaces, including. Click Install on the Easy Install screen and from here you just keep feeding the Mac the disks it asks for. (In my case each of the OS 6.0.8 disks and the startup disk.) When the installer tells you it was successful, click on Quit. Add Iomega driver to ZIP disk. Click on the System Tools icon to highlight it and choose Eject under the file menu.
Using A Zip Drive On A MacPlus
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 03:18:29+0000
Subject: Re: zip drive on plus
From: 'Michael A. Peters'<>
These are my experiences with a Zip Driveand a Plus-
1) A zip drive makes a very stable HD for aPlus, I know people who have been using them as a bootable HD forYEARS (yes, YEARS) with only occasional problems that Norton hasfixed (BTW, I've had to use Norton on my new G3 HD
Once, so I don't see this as a zipproblem)

2) You need to use an Iomega Driver olderthan version 5.x. Otherwise you get a sad Mac when booting. You alsocan NOT allow your zip disk to be loaded in a machine with a 5.xdriver, 'cause part of the driver will update itself, and give a sadMac when booting with a zip disc in the drive.
3) The best thing to do, in my opinion, isget a small (cheap) SCSI HD for your plus, put SSW on it, includingyour Iomega driver. I use a 30MB myself. Boot off of the HD with nozip disc in the zip drive, insert zip disc after booting. Google robloxplayer exe. The zipdisk can now be used as a non-boot volume, which also makes backingup files easier onto a second zip disc. (hint: only keep SSW on yourboot HD- this leaves plenty of room for transferring backups from zipto HD to back-up zip, less disk swapping)
This will work regardless of whether or notyour zip driver has been polluted with a 5.x system. Note- if yourdriver has been polluted (like the one on my Plus) you MUST boot withno zip disk in the zip drive. That's why I say it's best to boot froma small HD, because you don't have to worry about what computer yourZip Disk is used in.
If you need it, I can send you a copy of the4.2 driver and tools. Please note that my particular 4.2 extension ispolluted, and can not be used to make a boot disk. I do know a friendwho has been more careful with his driver, and his can be used (andis used) to boot a Plus from a zip, if you really want to take thatroute.
Note- this driver update thing was a VERYbad feature on Iomega's part! I know of one case where an individualwith a Performa had the 4.2 driver and zip tools. he used his zipdisc in a Mac with a 5.1 driver, went home and used it in hisPerforma. The next time he booted, he put his zip disc in thePerforma before booting, had no problems- until he tried to use hiszip tools! he got a nasty message saying he couldn't use his tools'cause they were too old for his driver! As it turns out, he couldonly use his tools if he boots with no zip disc in the drive. BecauseIomega thought they were so smart, he had to upgrade his Iomega stuffto consistently use his drive the way had been using it no problembefore.
Recently I got bitten by the bug and onceagain am a zealot for the plus- For some odd reason, I've decided todo whatever I can to help make these wonderful machines as useful aspossible.
- Create a SSW 6.0.8 boot disk with the Iomega 4.2 driver installed.
- With Plus powered off, Zip Drive powered off, attach the Zip Drive to the SCSI chain. Make sure the zip drive termination is set to 'on' if it is the LAST device in the chain- set to 'off' if other devices are AFTER zip drive.
- Power on all items on the SCSI chain.
- Power on Plus, booting from the floppy. Your Zip Disk should NOT be inserted in the drive yet.
- Insert the Zip Disk- it *should* mount.
- Select 'Erase Disk' from the Special menu. This will properly format the disk for use with a Plus.
- Install System Software on to the Zip Disk.
- Place the Iomega 4.2 Driver into the System Folder (SSW 6.0.8) or the Extensions Folder (SSW 7.x).
- You *should* now have a bootable Iomega Zip Disk!
Iomega Zip Usb
NOTE: The above procedure WILL NOTwork if your zip disk is PC format- Iomega Tools are required if youhave a PC format Zip Disk, and Iomega Tools does not work on aPlus.

IMPORTANT UPDATE! Iomega justreleased a new 250MBIomega Zip Drive. I do not know ifthis drive will work with the Macintosh Plus. I supspect thatif it does- the 250MB Zip Disks would not work, for the simplereason that I do not think the Iomega 4.2 Driver will work with thesedisks. I'll post more info on this new drive and the Plus when I knowmore.
Nitty GrittyInformation
There are numerous rumors related to gettinga zip drive working with a Plus. I will be looking into this issueand trying to resolve it- trying as best as I can to seperate factfrom fiction. Results will be posted here.
The Rumors
- The Iomega Zip Drive does not work with the Plus
- False- At least with some Plus's, the Iomega Zip Drive works with the 4.2 driver/tools and I've heard with the 4.3 also.
- The Iomega Zip Drive only works with a Macintosh Plus if you have ROM version 3 in the Plus
- Don't know, really don't think so. My Plus does have the version 3 ROM chip in it- I hope to soon be able to test the version 1 and version 2 ROM chips with the 4.2 driver and see if they work. For the record, I have NEVER seen a Plus where a zip drive didn't work- so either I've only seen ROM v3 Plus's tried, or the rumor is false. I will find out.
- The zip disk can not be used as a boot disk for a Plus.
- False. I currently boot both a SSW 7.1 Zip Disk and a SSW 6.08 Zip Disk no problem!
- The zip disk does not work with System 6.08
- False. The Zip Drive works beautifully on a 1MB Plus running SSW 6.0.8, with *possible* ROM version exceptions.
- The 4.x driver will auto-update itself if it is in the presence of a 5.x driver
- True, sort of. The 'Iomega Driver' that sits in the extensions folder (system folder for SSW 6) doesn't change- but any zip disk inserted while a 5.x driver was loaded at boot will have a 5.x driver on the Zip Disk itself. Also, if a zip disk has a 5.x driver on the media itself- if the disk is in the drive at boot time- the 5.x info off of the zip disk will take over. Really a bad feature- I'm working a hack that will re-write 4.2 driver information onto the zip disk media itself. This hack would, of course, be totally unsupported by Iomega (but then, so is the Zip Drive on a Plus!)
- The Iomega 4.2 driver is hard to find.
- It use to be at titled zipmac42.sea.hqx. Now, it is available here.
Auto Update Quirk
The Iomega drivers like to update themselvesto a newer version, sad but true, which is what I think is actuallyresponsible for the ugly rumors. When you try to boot from a zip diskthat has been 'updated' you either get a sad mac (SSW 6.0.8) or itrejects the disk (SSW 7.1).
This is how it works- at least, I think!(still doing some experiments) To explain this as easilt as possible-I have to make a distinction. There are two types of Iomega Drivers:Iomega Device Driver and Iomega Media Driver.
- Iomega Device Driver
- This is what sits in your extensions folder (system folder SSW 6). This tells the OS, more or less, how to best talk with the Iomega Drive. This loads at start-up- when the system boots.
- Iomega Media Driver
- This is information that sits on the Zip Disk itself, in it's own little partition.

When the system boots, it loads the IomegaDevice Driver. While loading the Iomega Device Driver, it checks theversion of the Iomega Media Driver. If a newer version of IomegaMedia Driver exists on the media- it loads newer information, at boottime, than the Iomega Device Driver knows about. Thus, if you have a4.2 Iomega Device Driver in your extensions folder and at boot time,there is a zip disk with Iomega Media Driver 5.x in the zip drive-your Mac *thinks* that Iomega Device Driver 5.x was loaded. This isbad- because it means that Zip Tools 4.2.1 won't work! The IomegaSolution is to update the Iomega Software on your Mac (fat bit ofgood that does for Plus owners- but the Plus technically isn't asupported computer)
During system boot OR AFTER the system hasbooted- any zip disk with an Iomega Media Driver OLDER THAN theIomega Device Driver will get new Iomega Media Driver informationautomagically written to it. Bummer.
How to *fix* your zip disk to work with aPlus
There is currently only one easy option Iknow of available to people with Zip Disks that contain 5.x IomegaMedia Drivers on them.
On a newer than Plus mac, boot with theIomega Device Driver 4.2 in your system folder, no zip disk in zipdrive. Once booted, back up all the info on the zip disk. Use ZipTools 4.2.1 to reformat the zip disk. Re-install the data- you*should* be good to go.
Romance of the three kingdoms 11 puk pc download. Unfortunately, you can't use Zip Tools 4.2from a Plus to give a disk a 4.2 driver with the fresh re-formatoption. The problem is that Zip Tools will tell you it requires a'MacSE or newer running System 7'.
Yes, I tried 'lying' to the software, usingthe extension/control panel set called 'Wish I were..' but the ZipTools wouldn't buy it! Too bad.
What you CAN do on a Plus is boot from a SSW6.0.8 floppy w/ appropriate 4.2 driver in system folder, no zip diskin zip drive. Insert zip disk- it will mount. Backup Data- and use'Erase Disk' from the Special menu. The zip disk will erase, and the4.2 driver information will be loaded onto the disk. You are thengood to go.
Iomega Zip Drive Disk
NOTE The hack I was working on won'twork. Basically- I was going to mimick an application called pdisk,compiling only the necessary portion (with slight modification) forthe Plus. With pdisk- you can see all the partitions on a zip disk,and remove any partition. My plan was to remove the partitioncontaining the bad media driver information, and hope that the 4.2device driver would automagically put 4.2 media driver onto the zipdisk- much the same way as a 5.x device driver automagically puts 5.xmedia driver onto a zip disk w/o damaging files.
On a G3- it sort of works, but not really.The G3, with the 4.2 driver, will still recognize AND mount a zipdisk that has had the media driver removed. However, it won't put anew driver in place- it just leaves it well enough alone. On a Plus,it refuses to mount a zip disk without a media driver, period, noteven if the zip disk is not the boot disk.
Unfortunately, I can't write anything thatwill put the 4.2 drivers onto the media- as I would be opening myselfup to lawsuit from Iomega. That's why I was hoping the Iomega DeviceDriver would kindly do it for me. Oh well.
Iomega Zip Disk Partition Map
For those of you interested-thislinks to typical pdisk output
Iomega Version 6
Iomega now has version 6 of their softwareavailable- they call it ioware 1.0, but it's really just the same oldbut newer version. I have never tried it- don't know if a zip disk w/iomega media driver 6.x will even mount in a Plus for erasing. I'llfind out soon enough, I guess.