Foison C24 ID Number 156 Make Foison Model C24 Manufacturer Link. Vinyl cutter for Linux. Install Inkscape and Inkcut use this config file. Foison Vinyl Cutter software, free downloads - 2000 Shareware periodically updates software information and pricing of Foison Vinyl Cutter Software from the publisher, so some information may be slightly out-of-date. You should confirm all information before relying on it.
(1) Place the machine:
Put the machine on a horizontal table, change plotter four foots, to keep plotter very horizontally. Make enough space not only to the front ofplottersbut also to the back of plotter.
No shake when plotter is running. Don’t touch the vinyl cutterwith magnet. Put the plotter in cleaning room.
Suggest you connect the machine’s metals shell with the ground using a
metal wire, to avoid ESD.
Put the machine on a horizontal table, change plotter four foots, to keep plotter very horizontally. Make enough space not only to the front ofplottersbut also to the back of plotter.
No shake when plotter is running. Don’t touch the vinyl cutterwith magnet. Put the plotter in cleaning room.
Suggest you connect the machine’s metals shell with the ground using a
metal wire, to avoid ESD.

(2) First power on, examining plotter:
Set the power wire to machine power port, connect the power wire to AC220V power. Switching the power on, the green LED on keyboard will
light when power is on. Later, the carriage must move to right side itself, and return a little. This is the initialization ofcutting plotter. The message of
speed and pressure will be showed on the LCD monitor. Followed are the
machine parameters:
Speed: 600mm/s
Pressure: 150g
Set the power wire to machine power port, connect the power wire to AC220V power. Switching the power on, the green LED on keyboard will
light when power is on. Later, the carriage must move to right side itself, and return a little. This is the initialization ofcutting plotter. The message of
speed and pressure will be showed on the LCD monitor. Followed are the
machine parameters:
Speed: 600mm/s
Pressure: 150g
(3) Connect to computer:
You can choose the computer port (com1 or com2).
Turn off the computer power; turn off the plotter power.
Connect one side of the RS232 wire to computer RS232 port, other side be
connect to plotter.
Turn on computer; turn on theplotter, waiting a moment for machine
examining itself.
Run the any Sign software (Such as Easycut; Flexisign; etc), choose
“HPGL language cutting plotter”, and setup the software parameter as the
Port: com1 or com2
Baud rate: 9600
Parity: None
Data bit: 8
Stop bit: 1
Data flow control: RTS/CTS; XON/XOFF
Above is done, every thing will be ok. If the red LED on keyboard is light,
please press the “ONLINE” key one time. When the green LED on keyboard is
light, you can output the data from computer to yourcutting plotter.
You can choose the computer port (com1 or com2).
Turn off the computer power; turn off the plotter power.
Connect one side of the RS232 wire to computer RS232 port, other side be
connect to plotter.
Turn on computer; turn on theplotter, waiting a moment for machine
examining itself.
Run the any Sign software (Such as Easycut; Flexisign; etc), choose
“HPGL language cutting plotter”, and setup the software parameter as the
Port: com1 or com2
Baud rate: 9600
Parity: None
Data bit: 8
Stop bit: 1
Data flow control: RTS/CTS; XON/XOFF
Above is done, every thing will be ok. If the red LED on keyboard is light,
please press the “ONLINE” key one time. When the green LED on keyboard is
light, you can output the data from computer to yourcutting plotter.
The space is closed due to current COVID-19 restrictions, please visit Jitsi instead. |
Labitrack Device | |
foisonc24.jpg | |
Name | Foison C24 |
ID Number | 156 |
Make | Foison |
Model | C24 |
Manufacturer Link | |
Operational Status | Yes |
Super Users | Tax,Kurogane, others? |
Received at | n/a |
Acquisition Details | n/a |
Owner | Tax |
Warranty | n/a |
Tax has taken this home again:2014-04-10 |
for Linux
Install Inkscape and Inkcut
use this config file

Foison Vinyl Cutter
The below suggested config is different from what is on the Taxcut PC right now. The mentioned serial device is not available and the cutter is not detected when conneting.. |

Manual: File:Foison c24 manual.pdf

for Windows
- Use a usb-to-Seriel post (RS-232) converter
- Settings for the serial port must be:
- Bits per second : 38400
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
- Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
- Printer is: - to be tested, but so far I am using: Generic, Text only on the COM port you just installed (mine was COM20)
Foison S48
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