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This is a “how to” book written by a “know how” person for anyone who practices firefighting strategy. Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn is passing on to the next generation of firefighters the lessons he learned from his years of firefighting experience. He describes firefighting strategies for the most common types of fire scenarios and identifies specific firefighting problems presented to an incident commander, by occupancy and construction type. More importantly, he explains firefighting solutions and offers firefighting plans, standard procedures, action plans, ideas, guidelines, explanations, key steps, and systems of firefighting procedures. This book is not about tactics. It’s about strategy – plans of firefighting and logical ways to solve problems at fires.Whether you’'re a new officer or in need of a mentor, From Buddy to Boss: Effective Fire Service Leadership is a must-have management book you'’ll turn to over and over again. Fire service veteran Chase Sargent has taken his popular course and written a no-holds-barred leadership book for the fire service in a conversational and easy-to-read style. He tells you how to accept and survive politics, deal with the fringe employees, and keep your cool -- tricks of the trade that usually take years to acquire. PrefaceWritten by industry experts Bernard Klaene and Russell Sanders, and developed in partnership with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the Second Edition of Structural Firefighting: Strategy and Tactics will provide both fire officers and professionals in training with the tools they need to become skilled incident commanders. Loaded with new content and features, this new edition guides readers through all phases of strategic and tactical planning so they can manage any incident, regardless of its complexity. The Second Edition includes: new chapter reorganization with scores of subject matter updates, including a thorough discussion of the National Incident Management System (NIMS); a correlation guide to the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Strategy and Tactics model course; 2-color interior with improved illustrations; a companion website complete with chapter pre-tests, interactivities, an online glossary, and instructor resources. Rely upon Structural Firefighting: Strategy and Tactics to get the comprehensive know-how needed to handle any fireground incident. Acknowledgments Strategy for the 21st Century Prefire Inspection Size-up Wood-Dwelling Fires Strip Mall Fires Row House Fires Fires in Places of Worship Restaurant Kitchen Fires Fires in Truss Buildings Stairway and Hallway Fires Cellar Fires Apartment Fires High-Rise Residence Fires Heavy Timber Factory Fires Fires in Noncombustible Buildings High-Rise Office Building Fires Grass and Brush Fires Fires in Vacant Buildings Terrorism Explosions Hose Placement Stopping Fire Spread Opposing Hose Lines Smoke Venting Searching at Fires Evacuating People from Burning Buildings Master Streams Fire and Explosions Collapse Size-up Collapse Search and Rescue Fire Ground Safety Postfire Strategy Strategy Errors and Failures Secondary Strategies (for Small Problems) Myths and Misconceptions O±NLINE TESTS |