Still Digiprog 3 odometer correction tool new beginners are seeking user manual instructions. Here provides both old and new instruction with English and German language.
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Old Digiprog 3 user manual and pinout free download(Close antivirus software or set your browser to download success) © 2007 by DigiProg Ltd INTRODUCTION Page 5 3. Motorcycle Menu This menu is the same as the CAR/TRUCK menu but is used for.
Digiprog III Link 1:
DigiProg 3 Link 2:

It is a large PDF file containing all digiprog3 mileage tool support vehicle lists:
1) Which cable/adapter you are going to plug in
2) In which way should you done with the dashboard
3) Exactly mileage correction procedure of each car makes
4) DIGIPROG 3 cable pinouts text file
The user manual comes with default German language and translated English language.

DP3 Link3:
2014 New digiprog 3 DP3 odometer master user manual free download
Digiprog 3 Manual
The 2014 version user manual adds some new added car models, for detail vehicle list, please check here:
V4.94 digiprog 3 vehicle list: