Trials in tainted space probes. I am new to this forum. Just started using acrobat at work and i need some help. I was wondering if it is possible to set the print feature to make a pdf not printable until you select a checkbox in it, then the pdf would be able to print. If this is possible could you tell me how to do this or where to go to learn how?

AddPDF is also available on the Mac App Store. Full Specifications. What's new in version 1.0.7. Version 1.0.7: A new option has been added to Preferences named 'Convert Files In Place.' Load ACROBAT PDF PPD driver fileQuarkXPress. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Mac - Download. Regular Price: $449.00 King's Price: $419.00. Pdf ppd for lion Pdf ppd for lion DOWNLOAD! Navigate to.Acrobat Stopped installing the PDF printer driver at version 9 on the Mac. Nodtronics Pty Ltd 2. Containing over 1. Silver Eagle Software, Inc. May 06, 2015 If you are later prompted for the ADPDF9.PPD file, it can be found in the C: Program Files Adobe Acrobat 10.0 Acrobat Xtras AdobePDF folders. Edited by britishdhez Tuesday, April 28, 2015 4:25 AM.

Adpdf9.ppd Download Mac
Unfortunately this is a link right to the text file, not a download link, so you have to copy that text, paste it into a text editor and save it as ADPDF9.PPD. Adobe tech support took me to a download link and when I downloaded it the Mac OS added.txt to the end so I had to edit the file name, but for the life of me I could not get back to. .Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
You will have to use JavaScript to test the conditions and make the button visible. But you will not be able to stop the use of the menu action 'File => Print' or the <Ctrl> +'P' keystroke action.

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is there a way to control print options, particularly fit to page, from within the PDF itself?
We provide print ready files for our clients who print them as needed, but they are brochures that are set up for fit to page OFF, otherwise the white border (because it can't bleed) around it is uneven.
So they would send the file to our print shop and the printer would automatically print it with this option off, based on the pdf settings for that document.Auto clicker for mac roblox. Go to Properties (Crtl+D) and the advanced tab, you can set the print porperties that will come up by default there, it is still possible to over ride them though.
Dear Experts,
Could you kindly let me tell me how to control and stop print option in
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Sivathis was done
Hi All,
We have a requirement in which we need to secure Print and Export option to specific users/groups only. OBIEE does not have any security option by which we can restrict print option to specific groups.
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I developed a report which runs in 2 modes.
1. Automatic mode(runs in a request set)
2. Manual Mode(submitted manually through SRS as a single request)
I got a new requirrment where I need to print the output when print flag is Y and the report is in Automatic mode.
Always print when in manual mode.
After a bit of googling, I found this API
fnd_request.set_print_options (printer =>’<printer name>’,
style =>’PORTRAIT’,
save_output => TRUE,print_together => ‘N’)
would it work in my case?
If so, I am guessing that I will have to use in After Report Trigger.
I suggest you you post your question in the [EBS General Discussion|http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=475] forum. You should get a much faster response to your question. It's my understanding that EBS controls whether output is automatically printed through a User Profile setting. Its been a while since I've worked with the EBS so I could be wrong.
Craig..I spent an hour chatting with Adobe support in India. They could not solve this issue.
I submitted a BUG REPORT at Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
Here is the BUG Report:
Concise problem statement:
Steps to reproduce bug:
1. Export individual pages from InDesign as pdf (16-page booklet, each individual page is 5-1/2' x 8-1/2')
2. Open pdf in Acrobat Pro 11.0.10
3. Choose actual size, then choose booklet, and print. (printer contains letter-size paper, and page set-up is set to 100% scale.)
Results: The printed booklet is the WRONG SIZE! The pagination is correct as usual, but each individual page is being REDUCED, and now each page image is too small, and there is now a GAP between pages, and the entire booklet is useless. If you can, please see case number: 0186447426: support chat: it covers everything we have tried so far .. (We tried everything they could think of, but all attempts failed.) This bug was introduced somewhere along the line with Yosemite.
Expected results: As usual, when printing booklets from Acrobat Pro, we expect the print to be the right size, the same size as the InDesign doc, and as it has been printed previously by Acrobat Pro prior to Yosemite. Thanks for fixing this disaster of a bug. Please contact me if you need further info, copies of the individual page pdf, etc.
I am literally stuck. I can go through the laborious process of using InDesign to 'print booklet' to a postscript file and use Distiller to make the booklet pdf, but under Yosemite, I am prevented from installing print drivers unless that printer is locally available on my network. Unfortunately, the printer is located at my client's place of business.
I realize there is typically a leap-frog effect between operating system updates, hardware, and application updates, but combined with other Yosemite issues, this Acrobat Pro bug is killing my business.DrStrik9 (sounds a bit poisonous to me!),
The issue, regrettably, is that Acrobat is performing as designed. And it has nothing to do with either MacOS 10.10 or anything new or different with Acrobat 11.0.10 (versus earlier versions going all the way back to the initial implementation of the booklet printing feature). And this isn't directly a printer driver issue, either! The same behaviour occurs both on MacOS and Windows.
The problem, simply stated, is that the Booklet print option in Acrobat (and Reader) is attempting to avoid loss of content due to the paper's non-printable margins. The scaling factors in the Size print option are not utilized at all in the Booklet print option. The Booklet print option attempts to fit two logical pages of your PDF file into the printable area of each physical sheet of paper. Assuming that your printer's Letter page is defined as having a printable area of 8'x10.5' due to a 0.25' non-printable area surrounding the page, then the Booklet print option will force each of the 5.5'x8.5' pages of your PDF file into a 5.17'x8' area centered on each half of the 8.5'x11' printed sheet.
There are three workarounds that I know of:
(1) Many high end printers have booklet printing capabilities in the printer or printer driver itself. Check the detailed driver options to see whether in fact your printer / printer driver does support a booklet printing option. If so, try that first. That would likely solve your problem.
(2) Assuming that this is a PostScript printer, edit the .PPD file for the printer you are using to to modify the specification of the Letter printable area. In the PPD file, you will see an entry similar to this:
*ImageableArea Letter/Letter: '18 18 594 774'
*ImageableArea Letter/US Letter: '18 18 594 774'
Edit the entry to change only the four numbers as follows:
*ImageableArea Letter/Letter: '0 0 612 792'
That indicates to the PostScript driver that there is no unprintable border on your pages. Then save the .PPD file. I would then suggest rebooting and then trying to print. Note that the side effect of this is that Fit and Shrink oversized pages options will not take into account the non-printable area of your printer.
Note that a similar hack can be done with Ledger (i.e. 11'x17') page descriptions in the PPD to fix a similar issue affecting printing 8.5'x11' pages to 11'x17' sheets as booklets.
(3) There are some very reliable third party plugins for Acrobat that provide full advanced document imposition capabilities, creating what are known as printer flats as a new PDF file from your logical pages. There are n-up, booklet, step-and-repeat, etc. options galore in such packages. Examples include Quite Imposing and PDF Snake. I have personally used Quite Imposing for nearly 15 years for this purpose and can vouch that it works beautifully. I don't have personal experience with PDF Snake, although it is less expensive.
Good luck and let us know if any of this helps you at all!
- DovI do not have the option to print separations from Acrobat Pro 11 on OSX Yosemite. I have installed the PPDs and they work in Illustrator and InDesign but do not work in Acrobat.
First, I am a designer at a screen printing shop and have been printing separations on a daily basis for 3 years. I understand how it works. I was working on a PC with CS 5.5. Typical workflow was to design in Illustrator, Print to PDF, open the PDF in Acrobat, save as EPS. EPS was the preferred method since I print the transparencies from Illustrator, and since Illustrator can only open one page of a PDF at a time, I saved the PDF as EPS so that ever spot color got it’s own EPS file. From there, I created a new AI file, put all EPS files on different art boards and printed.
Now I am on a Mac with Yosemite and CC 2014. I know the PDF workflow changed in Snow Leopard. You now have to print to a PostScript file and Distill, which then gives me the PDF i can open w Acrobat and save to EPS as usual.
But, I decided to really dig into Acrobat 11 since it has all the Ink Manager and Preflight features. My preferred workflow would be creation in AI, save a PDF, then use all of Acrobats features for the final check and separations. The Acrobat manual says on page 316:
“Print separations
1. Choose File > Print, and choose a printer.
2. Choose an option from the Comments and Forms menu.
3. Choose print range and page handling options.
4. Click Advanced.
5. If you created a custom printer settings file with the appropriate separation settings, choose it from the Settings menu at the top of the
Advanced Print Setup dialog box.
6. Select Output on the left, and choose an option from the Color menu:
Choose Separations if the PPD doesn’t support in-RIP separations.
12. Click PostScript Options on the left, and select settings as needed. Click OK to close the dialog box, and then click OK again to print the separations.”
The only option I have in the print dialog is my desktop printer.
I have installed the PPDs, which brings me to another problem.
On this forum
the gives the link
which is the adobe.sit.hqx file that contains 5 files with no file extension. Per the “Read Me” instructions, I have placed the “Acrobat Distiller (no file extension)” file in the
Library/Printers: PPDs: Contents: Resources: folder.
It works with Illustrator, and is not really and issue.
-The file is a 17KB file with no extension that was last modified on 9/9/2001.
Following another page
it give the link
Acrobat 9 PPD
which is the ADPDF9.PPD file, a 29 KB PPD file last modified on 12/8/2014.
Just to test it out, I placed both files in the
Library/Printers: PPDs: Contents: Resources: folder. Both are selectable from Illustrator when printing a PostScript file and both seem to work. I see no real difference between them.
I also created the PPDs file in the Presets folder of InDesign and can get separations from there as well.
But, I do not have the PostScript or any other print option from the Acrobat print dialog except for my desktop printer.
1) Is there somewhere else I need to place the PPDs for Acrobat to see it? The manual states I should be able to print the separations from the Print Dialog but its not available.
2) What is the difference between the “Acrobat Distiller” file and the “ADPDF9.PPD” files? Different size, different dates, but no obvious difference in output.
3) I sometimes print halftone jobs through AccuRip. I have gotten pretty good at manual spot color transparency gradients within illustrator, where I create complex gradients using only a spot color and a gradient with 100% transparency on one end and 0% on the other. But if I have many colors in it, I have to print separations through PotsScript and then Distill it, which flattens all transparency on the separated file. The result is a separation with a placed image gradient with a clipping mask instead of a true vector gradient. I know it has to be flattened when it’s ripped anyway, but I would like for it to ONLY get flattened as it passed through the rip on its way to the transparency, and not during the Distiller separation which then is placed back in AI for printing. Is there any way to do this on a Mac which MUST be printed to PostScript and Distilled?
Thanks“I’ll never give you a job to print.”
Lead with an insult, good start.
You know, I read your comment, and the link, right before I went to bed. I thought I would respond then, but thought I should sleep on it. Well I slept on it, and I’m actually MORE p***ed off today than last night. I will try to keep this as professional as possible…
“Such an outdated time consuming workflow !!!”
No S**t (so much for professional). Which is why it’s unfortunate that Apple forced this workflow on people like me.
I asked SPECIFICALLY about color SEPARATIONS in the title of the post and throughout the post. The link you provided did not provide an answer to this. It explained how terrible “refrying” a PDF can be. And what was the solution it gave?
“Use EPS and not PostScript!”
Strange. it seems that is the EXACT workflow I listed! To quote myself;
“Typical workflow was to design in Illustrator, Print to PDF, open the PDF in Acrobat, save as EPS”
That was on a PC, where Print to PDF is still an option. The design is made in Illustrator with Spot Colors, all overprints are set, because a human will be lining up the screens to print by hand, and you need about .5 - 1 point of “play” for when the screen moves so abutting colors will not have a gap of shirt color between them. I can then use all of the functionality of the AI print dialog box and print the SEPARATIONS to a PDF file, and the PDF is then split to separate EPS files for easier control.
Apple in it’s infinite wisdom has taken away this functionality. From AI, my 2 listed printers are my desktop printer and an Adobe PostScript file. Remember, I am SEPARATING the artwork to be printed on vellums that will be used to burn a screen. If I leave my desktop printer active, I can select “Setup”, where i am brought to the system print dialog box, where if I select “Adobe PDF” or “Save as PDF”, I get the message from Illustrator that “The Save as PDF option in the Printer dialog box are not supported”.
So, if I change the Printer to “Adobe Postscript file”, the “Setup” box is greyed out. If I simple “Save As” and choose PDF, I do not have the option to SEPARATE colors. Do you see the dilemma now? Apple remove the functionality I have on a PC, so my SEPARATIONS can not be saved directly to a PDF, but MUST me “printed” to a Post Script file, which then MUST be distilled to get a PDF of SEPARATIONS.
Which brings me back to the whole point of my post.
““Such an outdated time consuming workflow !!!”
Right, which is why I’m trying to avoid it. In reality, the entire process only involves 1 extra step over the PC workflow, and the Distill process literally takes a few seconds. But, I don’t want to Distill for all the reasons listed in the link you provided. And if i follow the advice of the link, saving to EPS, I DO NOT have the option of SEPARATIONS. Which is why I’m trying to save a PDF from AI, the use all the functionality of Acrobat Pro to SEPARATE my colors. Again, the manual to Acrobat says I can print my SEPARATIONS to a file, but I only have the option to print to my desktop printer from the Acrobat Print Dialog box, even though I have DO have other options in AI and InDesign.
So, great Adobe MVP, can you answer my original questions?
1- why do I not have the option to print to a file in Acrobat Pro?
2- What is the difference between the “Acrobat Distiller” file and the “ADPDF9.PPD” files? Different size, different dates, but no obvious difference in output. (Not what I want to use, but on OSX post 10.6, I don’t really have a choice it seems)
3- Is there any way to print to a SEPARATION file on a Mac without printing to PostScript and then being Distilled?
I see your skills are:
“PDF forms, PDF multimedia, eBooks in PDF or in ePub format.
I'm an InDesign Digital Publishing Suite specialist too. I am also a trainer and the webmaster of abracadabraPDF.net, the only French web site dedicated to PDF and Acrobat.”
Good for you. Have you EVER had to print separations for a t-shirt? Have you ever had to consider that a person will be physically pushing the ink through a screen, so you must consider the thickness of the ink, how that will interact with the mesh of the screen, which determines the LPI the halftones are printed at, which determines how fine your gradients should be? Because I do it everyday. So your whole “I’ll never give you a job” thing is especially infuriating, and pretty unprofessional.
So not only have you totally ignored all my questions, you insulted me and given me a link that ALSO answers none of my questions. I am also assuming, though I could be wrong, that you marked your answer as correct int he AcrobatUsers forums. Well guess what? Even with you MVP badge, you are NOT correct. At least not for what I’m asking.
If I ever need an eBook, PDF form, ePub or Multimedia PDF done, maybe I’ll use you. But, I would never hire you for color separations for t-shirt printing.I am really disappointed that after installing an update to Acrobat 9 my PDF printer has disappeared from my printer list.
This is the second time this has happened. The last time this happened Adobe were still supporting Acrobat 9 and they ended up having to remote in to my machine to fix it.
Now I have to pay if i want that level of support!!! It begs the question why they release these destructive updates. Is it to force people to upgrade to X or purchase support.
Can anybody give me some instructions on how to manually install the PDF printer?
I am running windows 7Launch the Devices and printers setup utility through the Control Panel.
2Select the 'Add a Printer' option.
3Click the 'Next' button and select the 'Local Printer Attached to This Computer' option.
4Deselect (uncheck the box) the 'Automatically Detect and Install My Plug and Play Printer' option and click the 'Next' button.
5Select 'My Documents*.pdf (Adobe PDF)' in the port selection drop-down menu and click the 'Next' button.
6Select the 'Have Disk' option and click the 'Browse' button to open a dialog box.
7Select the 'AdobePDF.inf' file located in the AdobePDF folder in your Program Files directory under 'Adobe,' 'Acrobat 9.0,' 'Acrobat,' 'Xtras.'
8Select the first item (top item) on the list of Adobe PDF Converter options and click the 'Next' button.
9Type 'Adobe PDF' in the field for a printer name and click 'Next.'Hi,
We are facing some problems with Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended Print Option.
We had a requirement to embed interactive Flash graphs in the PDF file, user will interact with these graphs and whatever graph he plotted, the data for it will be saved in PDF text field, so that on the next launch we can fetch the data to the flash from PDF text fields, so that user can see what changes he did last time. This works great, we are able to successfully comminicate from PDF to flash and then from Flash to PDF.
Please note that, PDF can have multiple graphs on different pages.
The issue we are facing is when we interact with the graphs and then try to print the PDF, in that case only the currently active graph or flash file (The page on which user is currently on) will be seen enabled in the print, the graphs on the other pages, which are not currently visible are seen in disabled state hence the data on it does not get printed.
We have also used the 'RMA.activated = true;' command, still no success. Please refer to the screen shots below to understand the issue in more detail.
Flash Embed Options:
In the Print Option, it looks disabled:
The required/desired output is as follows:
We want all Graphs to get printed in enabled state and with the data user had entered. Please do let me know, if there is any workaround to achive this functionality.
Ajit Danve
Sr Developer
Aptara, Pune.Which version. I think it is a minimum of AA9.2 that is needed for X64. Anyway, you should probably either open Acrobat and do the update (help menu) or download all of the updates from Adobe>downloads>updates and install them in order. The current version is AA9.3.4.
can anybody tell me how to control the printing option in the run time with the help of oracle developer (form-6i). i mean i dont want to take the default but create it manually.
i.e every option of printing can be manupulated programmatically at form level.
please help me.......Hi.,
check this thread., removed by moderator. Please do not just post links.
If you need printing functionality you have to use ALV_TREE.
The Column_TREE doesnt provide this option.
for displaying., check FM RS_TREE_LIST_DISPLAY.
hope this helps u.,
Thanks & Regards
Edited by: Neil Gardiner on May 18, 2011 3:18 PMI am no longer offered the option to select two-sided printing for .pdfs in Preview or for text documents in TextEdit when using my HP Officejet K550. The printing options no longer allow me to select Paper Type or Print Quality for these documents either. If I open a the same .pdf in Adobe Reader or Acrobat Pro, the duplex, paper, and quality options are available. I have the latest driver and firmware updates from HP, and my Apple software is up to date. HP Support suggests it is an issue with the applications from which I'm printing (e.g. Preview).
Does anybody know why this has happened or how to restore these options when printing from Preview or TextEdit?
Intel iMac Mac OS X (10.4.9)Since you are using an Intel Mac, the two applications you mention have been written in Universal Binary. For your HP printer driver, if it relies on print dialog extensions (pde's) to make these options available, and these same files have been written for the older Power PC processor, then this can make the options unavailable when printing from Universal applications. And that could explain why they are available when printing from Acrobat, as this is probably still the PPC version.
The solution would be to find a Universal version of the HP driver (I know you mentioned you have the latest but if its not Universal then it will have this issue).
To prove it is a Universal vs PPC issue, you can change Preview so that it opens using the Rosetta emulator. Control-click on the Preview icon and select Get Info. Select the check box 'Open using Rosetta' and then close the window. Then open Preview and try to print two-sided.Hi,
We have a collection (db driven) of PDF documents that we want to send to our network printers. Some document need a hole punch of some other specific printeroptions of a Canon IR printer.
The ideal solutions is a windows application where i could define virtual printers with their print options (pdf and printer specific).
A user creates in a the windows app a virtual printer with name and print options
- FastPunch: Printer IR5570 with hole punch
- Fast: Printer IR5570
- Color: IR C4080
- ColorBooklet: IR C4080 with booklet options
When the app starts its batch it will look at de db and find rows with an PDF and the name of a virtual printer. The documents are printed with specific printer preferences.
Does someone has experience with such an solution? Tips?
Someone wants to make this in vb.net (or c#)? What cost?
gtx, PierreI have downloaded the Acrobat SDK but I haven't really waded through the documentation or samples yet. I've only been working on this project for about 3 days now and not full time. This isn't the highest priority at work. I've worked a bit with the adobe reader control and that looks like it has some promise.
I have two significant problems:
1) I don't want the user to see any windows appear other than my console application. That way I have it working right now, Acrobat is required and appears minimized while the file is spooled and then is closed after spooling completes. Not so horrible but I'd like to get away from it if possible. To print the file right now I'm using the startprocess module or something (new version of shell I think). I'm starting the pdf with the verb 'Printto' and that tells Acrobat to print to a printer that I specify.
2)Biggest problem. I have no reliable way to change the number of copies or any other print settings. I am not willing to write a program that spools a single copy multiple times just to get multiple copies. Currently my program uses rundll to open a printer preferences dialog, and SendKeys to modify the print settings. This means that the computer cannot be used while automated printing is occurring.
Right now the program's only saving grace is that it allows the user to be ignorant of the job settings so that all the user has to do is indicate an item number and quantity and walk away (hoping nothing changes the focus and derails SendKeys - but we know that kind of thing never happens in XP :P )I am trying to control Adobe Pro (create OLE object of AcroExch) during the printing phase with a number of different options for a print shop. So far so good with a couple of exceptions:
a) If Adobe is up when we go to set the printer, I cannot, the print job comes out on the last printer used. Is there a way around this?
b) In most cases I am printing the same number of pages as before, i.e. splitting a 4000 page job into x-number of pages (in order to staple automatically at EOJ) - but the 'sub-jobs' are not coming out in the spool in order for some reason.
c) The customer wants to save (to use later) and change certain settings, i.e. staple, fold, .. through my external application. These types of items are not usually in the printer DevMode, though occasionally some are. Is there a way to pass a DevMode or an extended DevMode through Acrobat object calls to reset/set different print options for a specific run?
BobbyKind of a mis-quote on my behalf. I was refering to the Reader IKLA costs, but I could/should do this under Pro. So ignoring that point..
From AcrobatPro I still have the same questions:
a) I need to automate all the printing and splitting of a document. Can this all be automated where a specific plug-in runs on startup?
b) If Acrobat is running (via a user), can I manipulate the printer and it's settings for a new instance? This cannot be done under the OLE model, setting the pritner seems to be ignored.Hi All,
Please suggest me the way to set print option for a Billing document for T-code VF02 and please let me know how to get print preview for any particular Billing document?
Anand.Enter the billing documents detail
Goto Goto> Header>Output.
Check the status for your output type in this screen.
If it is green then come back to the VF03 screen.Enter the billing document number.
Click on Billing document-->Issue output to.
Press (CtrlShiftF1) or click on the icon beside 'Print options'.
Here you can see the print preview.
If the status is red then click on the processing log.Here you will get the error messages.
If the status is in yellow colour,then click on the 'Further Data' button
Set 'Dispatch time' as '4 Send immediately (when saving the application)'
Before the print preview option you should make sure you have added correct output type to the relevant billing document. To do that, go to transaction VF02.
Enter the billing document no
Go to Menu option -> Go to -> Header -> Output
In that screen you have to add relevant output type. (Standard output type is RD00)
Add that & press enter key
Highlight that line & press 'Further Data' button
Set 'Dispatch time' as '4 Send immediately (when saving the application)'
Press 'Back' Button
again select that line & go to 'Communication method' button
Set 'Logical destination' as LOCAL'
Don't mark 'Print immediately' & 'Release after output' ticks. If you mark them, sa soon as you save the billing document, you'll get a print out.
Press 'Back' Button
Now form the initial 'Change Billing Document' screen, Go to Menu option; Billing Document -> Issue Output to
You can see that output type line appear.
select that line & press 'Print Preview' button or (CTRLSHIFTF1)
You can see the print preview.
Alternatively you can use VF31 to print multiple print outs at same time.
If you want to get PDF outputs of billing documents, go to your printer settings in the your computer from Control Panel.
Set PDF Writer as 'Default Printer' (Right click & select 'Set as Default Printer')
Then normal way, print the billing from SAP.
It'll automatically send to your PDF writer. You can save it to the path you want,HOWTO: Control Printer Attributes for a Report at Run Time
Like page width , height etc
my problem is i had installed a printer and it is set for
printing different reports ( like invoice slips , legal size ,
A3 etc ) each time i have to manually set the page settup from
printer folder .instead if there is an option to set the printer
attributes from Reports 6i it is great
rajeshAll the Printer Setup(Page Height and Page Width) must be set in
the Reprot Program. These can be set at the Layout-Main Section
in the Object Navigator.
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Adpdf9 Ppd Mac 2017
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