Open a Word document you need. Go to Insert tab. Click on Advanced Symbols. Set font to Wingdings. Look for the checkmark. Download Wingdings font for PC/Mac for free, take a test-drive and see the entire character set. Moreover, you can embed it to your website with @font-face support. On the far right of the Word 2016 Insert tab dwells the Symbols group. Two items are found in that group: Equation and Symbol. (If the window is too narrow, you see the Symbols button, from which you can choose Equation or Symbol.) Click the Symbol button see some popular or recently used symbols.
Download Wingdings here. The Wingdings font is included by default in most versions of Windows and Mac OSX. If you don’t have Windings in your computer’s font set font, you can download it, install it and start using it.
Download Wingdings Font
To download the Wingdings font from an external source, click here.
How to install Wingdings?
For Windows Vista and newer versions, such as Windows 10, just double-click the source file you downloaded and it will be automatically installed.
For older versions of Windows, after downloading the file and having unzipped it, copy the file (or click on it and press ctrl+c) and go to the main disk where your operating system is installed, such as disk C:/. Enter the Windows folder and then look for the folder Fonts. Now paste it inside the Fonts folder and it will automatically be installed and ready to use on any word processor or text application.
For Mac OS X:
- Double click the font file and fontbook will open a preview of the font.
- Click “install font” at the bottom of the preview.
Wingdings for Mac
That’s it! You have succesfully downloaded Wingdings and installed it on your computer! Now you can start writing your own messages encoded in Wingdings. If you send them to someone, make sure to give them a link to the Wingdings Translator too.
Symbol font – Unicode alternatives for Greek and special characters in HTML
Symbol font should not be used in Web pages. Specifying Symbol font is contrary to the published specifications, has never been a documented feature of HTML and is not reliable. This page is not a demonstration of how to use Symbol font; it provides a warning of the problems that it causes, and shows how to use Unicode instead.
Monotype Typography produce their non-Unicode Symbol font in a Windows OpenType® version which is supplied with Windows Vista, a Windows TrueType® version which was supplied with Windows 3.1x, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP, a Macintosh TrueType version which was supplied with Mac OS 9, and PostScript® versions for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX. Even though the Mac OS 9 and Windows versions of Symbol font have identical character sets, a Web page that specifies Symbol font and displays correctly on Windows cannot be relied on when viewed with Internet Explorer under Mac OS 9 – the Greek letters display as intended, but many of the other characters do not. With Mac OS X 10.1, Apple supply a system font called Symbol that has the characters at their Unicode code points.
Microsoft Word Wingdings Symbols
For Windows, the Internet Explorer, Edge, Google Chrome and Opera browsers allow the non-Unicode Symbol font to be specified in HTML or CSS, to enable the basic Greek alphabet and many other special characters to be displayed.
The more standards-compliant browsers, such as Firefox, do not support non-Unicode fonts such as Symbol, and correctly display the normal Unicode characters instead. For example, they display D instead of Δ for decimal code point 68.
Fortunately, the greatly extended range of character entity references supported in HTML 4.01 together with the increased number of characters in Microsoft’s WGL4 TrueType fonts and Apple’s Lucida Grande font provide an easier and more reliable way to display most of the characters for which the Symbol font was formerly required. Even more characters are becoming displayable as Unicode support in browsers and fonts becomes more widespread. The fourth and fifth columns in the following tables show how to use Unicode characters that are equivalent to almost all of the characters in Symbol font.
In the following tables, the first 2 columns are intended to demonstrate the problems caused by using Symbol font. It is possible that your combination of browser and operating system will show Greek and special characters, but browsers that conform to the published standards will demonstrate why Symbol font should not be used in Web pages.
If you want to print this page, you will probably need to use either landscape orientation or shrink-to-fit.
Unicode ranges containing equivalent characters | |
| |
Character with no Unicode equivalent (1) |
Basic Latin : Unicode U+0000 – U+007F (0–127)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | ‘’ | space | - |   is ‘’ | Space | WGL4 | |
! | exclam | - | ! is ! | Exclamation mark | WGL4 | |||
# | numbersign | - | # is # | Number sign | WGL4 | |||
% | percent | - | % is % | Percent sign | WGL4 | |||
& | ampersand | & is & | & is & | Ampersand | WGL4 | |||
( | parenleft | - | ( is ( | Left parenthesis | WGL4 | |||
) | parenright | - | ) is ) | Right parenthesis | WGL4 | |||
+ | plus | - | + is + | Plus sign | WGL4 | |||
, | comma | - | , is , | Comma | WGL4 | |||
. | period | - | . is . | Full stop | WGL4 | |||
/ | slash | - | / is / | Solidus | WGL4 | |||
0 | zero | - | 0 is 0 | Digit zero | WGL4 | |||
1 | one | - | 1 is 1 | Digit one | WGL4 | |||
2 | two | - | 2 is 2 | Digit two | WGL4 | |||
3 | three | - | 3 is 3 | Digit three | WGL4 | |||
4 | four | - | 4 is 4 | Digit four | WGL4 | |||
5 | five | - | 5 is 5 | Digit five | WGL4 | |||
6 | six | - | 6 is 6 | Digit six | WGL4 | |||
7 | seven | - | 7 is 7 | Digit seven | WGL4 | |||
8 | eight | - | 8 is 8 | Digit eight | WGL4 | |||
9 | nine | - | 9 is 9 | Digit nine | WGL4 | |||
: | colon | - | : is : | Colon | WGL4 | |||
; | semicolon | - | ; is ; | Semicolon | WGL4 | |||
< | less | < is < | < is < | Less-than sign | WGL4 | |||
= | equal | - | = is = | Equals sign | WGL4 | |||
> | greater | > is > | > is > | Greater-than sign | WGL4 | |||
? | question | - | ? is ? | Question mark | WGL4 | |||
[ | bracketleft | - | [ is [ | Left square bracket | WGL4 | |||
] | bracketright | - | ] is ] | Right square bracket | WGL4 | |||
_ | underscore | - | _ is _ | Low line | WGL4 | |||
{ | braceleft | - | { is { | Left curly bracket | WGL4 | |||
| | bar | - | | is | | Vertical line | WGL4 | |||
} | braceright | - | } is } | Right curly bracket | WGL4 |
Latin-1 Supplement : Unicode U+0080 – U+00FF (128–255)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | ° | degree | ° is ° | ° is ° | Degree sign | WGL4 | |
± | plusminus | ± is ± | ± is ± | Plus-minus sign | WGL4 | |||
´ | multiply | × is × | × is × | Multiplication sign | WGL4 | |||
¸ | divide | ÷ is ÷ | ÷ is ÷ | Division sign | WGL4 | |||
Ò | registerserif | ® is ® | ® is ® | Registered sign (serif) | WGL4 | |||
Ó | copyrightserif | © is © | © is © | Copyright sign (serif) | WGL4 | |||
Ø | logicalnot | ¬ is ¬ | ¬ is ¬ | Not sign | WGL4 | |||
â | registersans | ® is ® | ® is ® | Registered sign (sans-serif) | WGL4 | |||
ã | copyrightsans | © is © | © is © | Copyright sign (sans-serif) | WGL4 |
Latin Extended-B : Unicode U+0180 – U+024F (384–591)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | ¦ | florin | ƒ is ƒ | ƒ is ƒ | Latin small letter f with hook | WGL4 |
Greek : Unicode U+0370 – U+03FF (880–1023)
Insert Wingding In Word
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | A | Alpha | Α is Α | Α is Α | Greek capital letter alpha | WGL4 | |
B | Beta | Β is Β | Β is Β | Greek capital letter beta | WGL4 | |||
G | Gamma | Γ is Γ | Γ is Γ | Greek capital letter gamma | WGL4 | |||
D | Delta | Δ is Δ | Δ is Δ | Greek capital letter delta | WGL4 | |||
E | Epsilon | Ε is Ε | Ε is Ε | Greek capital letter epsilon | WGL4 | |||
Z | Zeta | Ζ is Ζ | Ζ is Ζ | Greek capital letter zeta | WGL4 | |||
H | Eta | Η is Η | Η is Η | Greek capital letter eta | WGL4 | |||
Q | Theta | Θ is Θ | Θ is Θ | Greek capital letter theta | WGL4 | |||
I | Iota | Ι is Ι | Ι is Ι | Greek capital letter iota | WGL4 | |||
K | Kappa | Κ is Κ | Κ is Κ | Greek capital letter kappa | WGL4 | |||
L | Lambda | Λ is Λ | Λ is Λ | Greek capital letter lamda | WGL4 | |||
M | Mu | Μ is Μ | Μ is Μ | Greek capital letter mu | WGL4 | |||
N | Nu | Ν is Ν | Ν is Ν | Greek capital letter nu | WGL4 | |||
X | Xi | Ξ is Ξ | Ξ is Ξ | Greek capital letter xi | WGL4 | |||
O | Omicron | Ο is Ο | Ο is Ο | Greek capital letter omicron | WGL4 | |||
P | Pi | Π is Π | Π is Π | Greek capital letter pi | WGL4 | |||
R | Rho | Ρ is Ρ | Ρ is Ρ | Greek capital letter rho | WGL4 | |||
S | Sigma | Σ is Σ | Σ is Σ | Greek capital letter sigma | WGL4 | |||
T | Tau | Τ is Τ | Τ is Τ | Greek capital letter tau | WGL4 | |||
U | Upsilon | Υ is Υ | Υ is Υ | Greek capital letter upsilon | WGL4 | |||
F | Phi | Φ is Φ | Φ is Φ | Greek capital letter phi | WGL4 | |||
C | Chi | Χ is Χ | Χ is Χ | Greek capital letter chi | WGL4 | |||
Y | Psi | Ψ is Ψ | Ψ is Ψ | Greek capital letter psi | WGL4 | |||
W | Omega | Ω is Ω | Ω is Ω | Greek capital letter omega | WGL4 | |||
a | alpha | α is α | α is α | Greek small letter alpha | WGL4 | |||
b | beta | β is β | β is β | Greek small letter beta | WGL4 | |||
g | gamma | γ is γ | γ is γ | Greek small letter gamma | WGL4 | |||
d | delta | δ is δ | δ is δ | Greek small letter delta | WGL4 | |||
e | epsilon | ε is ε | ε is ε | Greek small letter epsilon | WGL4 | |||
z | zeta | ζ is ζ | ζ is ζ | Greek small letter zeta | WGL4 | |||
h | eta | η is η | η is η | Greek small letter eta | WGL4 | |||
q | theta | θ is θ | θ is θ | Greek small letter theta | WGL4 | |||
i | iota | ι is ι | ι is ι | Greek small letter iota | WGL4 | |||
k | kappa | κ is κ | κ is κ | Greek small letter kappa | WGL4 | |||
l | lambda | λ is λ | λ is λ | Greek small letter lamda | WGL4 | |||
m | mu | μ is μ | μ is μ | Greek small letter mu | WGL4 | |||
n | nu | ν is ν | ν is ν | Greek small letter nu | WGL4 | |||
x | xi | ξ is ξ | ξ is ξ | Greek small letter xi | WGL4 | |||
o | omicron | ο is ο | ο is ο | Greek small letter omicron | WGL4 | |||
p | pi | π is π | π is π | Greek small letter pi | WGL4 | |||
r | rho | ρ is ρ | ρ is ρ | Greek small letter rho | WGL4 | |||
V | sigma1 | ς is ς | ς is ς | Greek small letter final sigma | WGL4 | |||
s | sigma | σ is σ | σ is σ | Greek small letter sigma | WGL4 | |||
t | tau | τ is τ | τ is τ | Greek small letter tau | WGL4 | |||
u | upsilon | υ is υ | υ is υ | Greek small letter upsilon | WGL4 | |||
f | phi | φ is φ | φ is φ | Greek small letter phi | WGL4 | |||
c | chi | χ is χ | χ is χ | Greek small letter chi | WGL4 | |||
y | psi | ψ is ψ | ψ is ψ | Greek small letter psi | WGL4 | |||
w | omega | ω is ω | ω is ω | Greek small letter omega | WGL4 | |||
J | theta1 | ϑ is ϑ | ϑ is ϑ | Greek theta symbol | - | |||
j | phi1 | - | ϕ is ϕ | Greek phi symbol | - | |||
v | omega1 | ϖ is ϖ | ϖ is ϖ | Greek pi symbol | - | |||
¡ | Upsilon1 | ϒ is ϒ | ϒ is ϒ | Greek upsilon with hook symbol | - |
General Punctuation : Unicode U+2000 – U+206F (8192–8303)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | ¢ | minute | ′ is ′ | ′ is ′ | Prime | WGL4 | |
¤ | fraction | ⁄ is ⁄ | ⁄ is ⁄ | Fraction slash | WGL4 | |||
² | second | ″ is ″ | ″ is ″ | Double prime | WGL4 | |||
¼ | ellipsis | … is … | … is … | Horizontal ellipsis | WGL4 |
Letterlike Symbols : Unicode U+2100 – U+214F (8448–8527)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | À | aleph | ℵ is ℵ | ℵ is ℵ | Alef symbol | - | |
Á | Ifraktur | ℑ is ℑ | ℑ is ℑ | Black-letter capital I | - | |||
 | Rfraktur | ℜ is ℜ | ℜ is ℜ | Black-letter capital R | - | |||
à | weierstrass | ℘ is ℘ | ℘ is ℘ | Script capital P | - | |||
Ô | trademarkserif | ™ is ™ | ™ is ™ | Trade mark sign (serif) | WGL4 | |||
ä | trademarksans | ™ is ™ | ™ is ™ | Trade mark sign (sans-serif) | WGL4 |

Currency Symbols : Unicode U+20A0 – U+20CF (8352–8399)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | ð | Euro | € is € | € is € | Euro sign | WGL4 |
Arrows : Unicode U+2190 – U+21FF (8592–8703)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | « | arrowboth | ↔ is ↔ | ↔ is ↔ | Left right arrow | WGL4 | |
¬ | arrowleft | ← is ← | ← is ← | Leftwards arrow | WGL4 | |||
| arrowup | ↑ is ↑ | ↑ is ↑ | Upwards arrow | WGL4 | |||
® | arrowright | → is → | → is → | Rightwards arrow | WGL4 | |||
¯ | arrowdown | ↓ is ↓ | ↓ is ↓ | Downwards arrow | WGL4 | |||
¿ | carriagereturn | ↵ is ↵ | ↵ is ↵ | Downwards arrow with corner leftwards | - | |||
Û | arrowdblboth | ⇔ is ⇔ | ⇔ is ⇔ | Left right double arrow | - | |||
Ü | arrowdblleft | ⇐ is ⇐ | ⇐ is ⇐ | Leftwards double arrow | - | |||
Ý | arrowdblup | ⇑ is ⇑ | ⇑ is ⇑ | Upwards double arrow | - | |||
Þ | arrowdblright | ⇒ is ⇒ | ⇒ is ⇒ | Rightwards double arrow | - | |||
ß | arrowdbldown | ⇓ is ⇓ | ⇓ is ⇓ | Downwards double arrow | - |
Mathematical Operators : Unicode U+2200 – U+22FF (8704–8959)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | ' | universal | ∀ is ∀ | ∀ is ∀ | For all | - | |
$ | existential | ∃ is ∃ | ∃ is ∃ | There exists | - | |||
' | suchthat | - | ∍ is ∍ | Small contains as member | - | |||
* | asteriskmath | ∗ is ∗ | ∗ is ∗ | Asterisk operator | - | |||
- | minus | − is − | − is − | Minus sign | WGL4 | |||
@ | congruent | ≅ is ≅ | ≅ is ≅ | Approximately equal to | - | |||
therefore | ∴ is ∴ | ∴ is ∴ | Therefore | - | ||||
^ | perpendicular | ⊥ is ⊥ | ⊥ is ⊥ | Up tack | - | |||
~ | similar | ∼ is ∼ | ∼ is ∼ | Tilde operator | - | |||
£ | lessequal | ≤ is ≤ | ≤ is ≤ | Less-than or equal to | WGL4 | |||
¥ | infinity | ∞ is ∞ | ∞ is ∞ | Infinity | WGL4 | |||
³ | greaterequal | ≥ is ≥ | ≥ is ≥ | Greater-than or equal to | WGL4 | |||
µ | proportional | ∝ is ∝ | ∝ is ∝ | Proportional to | - | |||
¶ | partialdiff | ∂ is ∂ | ∂ is ∂ | Partial differential | WGL4 | |||
· | bullet | • is • | • is • | Bullet | - | |||
¹ | notequal | ≠ is ≠ | ≠ is ≠ | Not equal to | WGL4 | |||
º | equivalence | ≡ is ≡ | ≡ is ≡ | Identical to | WGL4 | |||
» | approxequal | ≈ is ≈ | ≈ is ≈ | Almost equal to | WGL4 | |||
Ä | circlemultiply | ⊗ is ⊗ | ⊗ is ⊗ | Circled times | - | |||
Å | circleplus | ⊕ is ⊕ | ⊕ is ⊕ | Circled plus | - | |||
Æ | emptyset | ∅ is ∅ | ∅ is ∅ | Empty set | - | |||
Ç | intersection | ∩ is ∩ | ∩ is ∩ | Intersection | WGL4 | |||
È | union | ∪ is ∪ | ∪ is ∪ | Union | - | |||
É | propersuperset | ⊃ is ⊃ | ⊃ is ⊃ | Superset of | - | |||
Ê | reflexsuperset | ⊇ is ⊇ | ⊇ is ⊇ | Superset of or equal to | - | |||
Ë | notsubset | ⊄ is ⊄ | ⊄ is ⊄ | Not a subset of | - | |||
Ì | propersubset | ⊂ is ⊂ | ⊂ is ⊂ | Subset of | - | |||
Í | reflexsubset | ⊆ is ⊆ | ⊆ is ⊆ | Subset of or equal to | - | |||
Î | element | ∈ is ∈ | ∈ is ∈ | Element of | - | |||
Ï | notelement | ∉ is ∉ | ∉ is ∉ | Not an element of | - | |||
Ð | angle | ∠ is ∠ | ∠ is ∠ | Angle | - | |||
Ñ | gradient | ∇ is ∇ | ∇ is ∇ | Nabla | - | |||
Õ | product | ∏ is ∏ | ∏ is ∏ | N-ary product | WGL4 | |||
Ö | radical | √ is √ | √ is √ | Square root | WGL4 | |||
× | dotmath | ⋅ is ⋅ | ⋅ is ⋅ | Dot operator | - | |||
Ù | logicaland | ∧ is ∧ | ∧ is ∧ | Logical and | - | |||
Ú | logicalor | ∨ is ∨ | ∨ is ∨ | Logical or | - | |||
å | summation | ∑ is ∑ | ∑ is ∑ | N-ary summation | WGL4 | |||
ò | integral | ∫ is ∫ | ∫ is ∫ | Integral | WGL4 |
Miscellaneous Technical : Unicode U+2300 – U+23FF (8960–9215)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | ½ | arrowvertex | - | ⏐ is ⏐ | Vertical line extension | - | |
¾ | arrowhorizex | - | ⎯ is ⎯ | Horizontal line extension | - | |||
á | angleleft | ⟨ is ⟨ | 〈 is 〈 | Left-pointing angle bracket | - | |||
æ | parenlefttp | - | ⎛ is ⎛ | Left parenthesis upper hook | - | |||
ç | parenleftex | - | ⎜ is ⎜ | Left parenthesis extension | - | |||
è | parenleftbt | - | ⎝ is ⎝ | Left parenthesis lower hook | - | |||
é | bracketlefttp | - | ⎡ is ⎡ | Left square bracket upper corner | - | |||
ê | bracketleftex | - | ⎢ is ⎢ | Left square bracket extension | - | |||
ë | bracketleftbt | - | ⎣ is ⎣ | Left square bracket lower corner | - | |||
ì | bracelefttp | - | ⎧ is ⎧ | Left curly bracket upper hook | - | |||
í | braceleftmid | - | ⎨ is ⎨ | Left curly bracket middle piece | - | |||
î | braceleftbt | - | ⎩ is ⎩ | Left curly bracket lower hook | - | |||
ï | braceex | - | ⎪ is ⎪ | Curly bracket extension | - | |||
ñ | angleright | ⟩ is ⟩ | 〉 is 〉 | Right-pointing angle bracket | - | |||
ó | integraltp | - | ⌠ is ⌠ | Top half integral | WGL4 | |||
ô | integralex | - | ⎮ is ⎮ | Integral extension | - | |||
õ | integralbt | - | ⌡ is ⌡ | Bottom half integral | WGL4 | |||
ö | parenrighttp | - | ⎞ is ⎞ | Right parenthesis upper hook | - | |||
÷ | parenrightex | - | ⎟ is ⎟ | Right parenthesis extension | - | |||
ø | parenrightbt | - | ⎠ is ⎠ | Right parenthesis lower hook | - | |||
ù | bracketrighttp | - | ⎤ is ⎤ | Right square bracket upper corner | - | |||
ú | bracketrightex | - | ⎥ is ⎥ | Right square bracket extension | - | |||
û | bracketrightbt | - | ⎦ is ⎦ | Right square bracket lower corner | - | |||
ü | bracerighttp | - | ⎫ is ⎫ | Right curly bracket upper hook | - | |||
ý | bracerightmid | - | ⎬ is ⎬ | Right curly bracket middle piece | - | |||
þ | bracerightbt | - | ⎭ is ⎭ | Right curly bracket lower hook | - |
Geometric Shapes : Unicode U+25A0 – U+25FF (9632–9727)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | à | lozenge | ◊ is ◊ | ◊ is ◊ | Lozenge | WGL4 |
Miscellaneous Symbols : Unicode U+2600 – U+26FF (9728–9983)
Symbol | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Character entity | § | club | ♣ is ♣ | ♣ is ♣ | Black club suit | WGL4 | |
¨ | diamond | ♦ is ♦ | ♦ is ♦ | Black diamond suit | WGL4 | |||
© | heart | ♥ is ♥ | ♥ is ♥ | Black heart suit | WGL4 | |||
ª | spade | ♠ is ♠ | ♠ is ♠ | Black spade suit | WGL4 |
Character with no Unicode equivalent
Character | ` | ||
Alan Wood’s Web site |