I quickly wiped the area around the nut and slapped the Gorilla tape on the still wet surface. Repeated for the bolt head area. Pressed all edges down well and was satisfied the tape would most likely hold even though there was one front corner that would not stay down. I drove about 50 miles in the mist and light rain before stopping to check.
We took ordinary duct tape and made it better. We made it twice as thick and we use 2 to 3 times the amount of rubber based adhesive.
Definitely. Gorilla Tape is designed to stick to rough surfaces including wood, stucco, plaster, brick, metal and more. Gorilla Tape is manufactured with a highly concentrated rubber based adhesive – two to three times as thick as traditional duct tape. The result is a tape that fills gaps and penetrates rough surfaces. It is important to clean the surface and brush off any loose particles and dirt before applying Gorilla Tape. Definitely. Gorilla Tape is designed to stick to rough surfaces including wood, stucco, plaster, brick, metal and more. Gorilla Tape is manufactured with a highly concentrated rubber based adhesive – two to three times as thick as traditional duct tape. The result is a tape that fills gaps and penetrates rough surfaces. It is important to clean the surface and brush off any loose particles and dirt before applying Gorilla Tape.
- Gorilla Tape® All-Weather Extreme is the tough tape for extreme weather conditions. Extra-strong and extra-durable, it’s perfect for permanent outdoor repairs. This tough tape is 100% waterproof and works in hot & cold temperatures – holding strong in rain, snow, sun, and extreme weather conditions.
- It'll stick to rough, smooth, and wet surfaces, and its notched-edge design makes it simple to tear pieces by hand. Offered in multipacks Does not yellow in the sun.
No. We have one uniquely strong, long-lasting formula.
We’ve found that Gorilla Tape will last a lot longer than regular duct tapes when it comes in contact with moisture. Make sure the surface is dry before you apply the tape, and we’re sure you’ll find this out for yourself.
Anyone who wants a quality tape that will last longer and holds stronger.
1. Do-it-yourselfers who know their labor justifies the use of the better tools and materials.
2. Professionals who know quality materials affect a business reputation.
3. The “just-give-me-the-best” kind of person – someone with demanding applications or where re-taping is difficult.
Yes, Gorilla Tape comes in a 35 yard roll, 12 yard roll and a Handy 1' Roll that is 1 inch by 30 feet.
Like Gorilla Glue, Gorilla Tape can be found in hardware stores, paint stores, home improvement stores, craft stores, office supply stores, grocery stores, auto parts stores, and lumber yards or use our store locator.
At the moment, it only comes in black, and is not double-sided.
Gorilla Tape should not be used as an electrical tape.
Surfaces should be clean and dust-free. We recommend rubbing the tape into the surface. This will help achieve a better bond.
Gorilla Tape can be removed, but with some difficulty and it may leave some residue. To remove any excess residue, we recommend using the tape itself as a blotter.
Yes, but not as easily as lesser tapes. You’ll need a good grip.
Store Gorilla Tape in a cool, dry place to retain adhesive quality. Keep out of direct sunlight. Try storing the tape vertically (rather than laying flat), on a hook or on wax paper. If you have multiple rolls, keep your excess supply wrapped until they’re needed.
No, they are two different adhesives. Gorilla Glue is a polyurethane glue and the adhesive used on Gorilla Tape has been specially formulated for tape.
Gorilla Tape works best at temperatures above 32F (0C). For best results, always apply the tape at room temperature.
No, if Gorilla Tape freezes, it will work just fine once it returns to room temperature.
Does Gorilla Tape Stick To Wet Surfaces Floor
It is said that water will be the reason for the next worldwar. So you can understand how important it is to stop the wastage of water. Andbest waterproof tape can be the best solution to stop the wastage of water.
Everyday a lot of water is wasted consciously andunconsciously. If there is a good quality waterproof tape in your home you canstop or reduce this loss to a great extent. Waterproof tape does not cost much.You only need a little bit of consciousness to enjoy the benefit of this tape.

10 Best Waterproof Tapes
Spending several hours we have picked out the best model ofwaterproof tape of the renowned brand. SolutioNerd, J & J, Gorilla, T-Rex,and X-Treme are some of the top brands of best waterproof tape.
Here is a brief about the important features, benefits, pros,and cons of the best model of these 10 best waterproof tapes:
1. SolutioNerd Waterproofing Repair Tape
SolutioNerd is a great tape to seal water leak or crack. Thiswaterproofing tape stops the leaking of water by creating an airtight barrieraround the leaky space.
This tape is able to withstand at both high and low temperatureand even at places where high pressure is applied. For example, you can useSolutioNerd Waterproofing Repair Tape to seal leaks in HVAC, Water heater, Hoseor Pipes.
If you do not know how to use leak sealing product no wonder thatyou can make a mess by getting glue and sticky gross adhesive everywhere. ButSolutioNerd is very easy to use that even if you are using this waterproofingtape first time you can do this job excellently.
Before making the final use if you want to do some practice youcan do that also on a beautiful box that comes with SolutioNerd. Since the tapewraps to itself you may find it difficult to apply where space is congestedlike plumbing fixture.
solutioNerd comes with an infographic/instruction to show you theway of stopping leaks immediately. It wraps to itself and so there are nopossibilities of making a mess of adhesive.
It is better to use this tape on a dry surface. If the surface youare going to use this tape is wet I will advise you to rap the following layersas tight as possible so that it beautifully sticks to itself.
Though you can use this tape where the temperature is high thereis a limit. It is better not to use at such a place where the temperature isabove 200 degrees Fahrenheit; otherwise, the tape may melt.
2. Johnson & Johnson First Aid Waterproof Tape
From its name you can understand that Johnson & Johnson ismedical aid. To secure your wound it can be a great bandage. It is a waterprooftape that adheres easily.
It is wide and opaque. It does not have smooth edge rather theedge has sawtooth so that you can remove it from the wounded area after gettinghealed.
It does not contain latex rather it contains dry natural rubberand so if you have an allergy to latex you can buy this product without anyworry.
It is a waterproof tape as its name depicts but there is the limitof wetting it in water. If it gets wet in water for a couple of times you haveto change the tape and wrap a new one around the wounded part.
A common problem faced by some of the users of Johnson &Johnson First Aid Waterproof Tape is that the tape acts as a waterproof aid whenit sticks to itself, not when it sticks to the skin. On the other hand, someusers found no problem even during taking a shower with this tape.
Does Gorilla Tape Stick To Wet Surfaces Like
Price of this tape is reasonable. If you are looking for a goodquality first aid tape you can purchase Johnson & Johnson First AidWaterproof Tape.
3. Gorilla All Weather Outdoor Waterproof Duct Tape
Gorilla All Weather Outdoor Waterproof Duct Tape is speciallydesigned to withstand the outdoor environment with the extreme weathercondition. It is able to resist drying, cracking, and peeling caused bysunlight, heat, cold, and moisture.
Butyl adhesive has been used in this duct tape and this low tackstrong adhesive is the reason for its outstanding property because butylrenders high stability against weathering, age, and heat. You can use this tape ranging from -40° F to200° F temperature but the normal application temperature is above 40° F.
You can tear this Gorilla Tape by hand or you can cut it to aspecific size with a knife or scissors. Its application process is very easy.Just apply the tape carefully over the intended surface and smooth it out anypockets or rolls.
You can use it on tarps, roofs, plastic sheeting (e.g. polyethylene(PE) and polypropylene (PP)), vents, RV’s, automotive and all general-purposeheavy-duty repair. But it does not work on materials with high oil orplasticizer content, such as EPDM rubber or PVC. It also should not be used as an electricaltape.
This tape can be submerged but the first surface of itsapplication should be free from dirt, dust, and debris. It should not be wetalso rather it should be completely dry. If the first surface is dirty or ifthere is moisture it will not stick properly to the surface rather will peeloff within a few days.
4. Gorilla Crystal Clear Duct Tape
Gorilla Crystal Clear Duct Tape is crystal clear tape withwaterproof backing. You can use this tape for the heavy-duty purpose since itcontains a heavy-duty adhesive layer.
It shows great resistance against extreme weather condition. Itshigh resistance against UV and temperature is great for both indoor and outdoorprojects. Like other tapes, it does not become yellowish with time due to theeffect of weather.
Since it has a waterproof backing you can use this tape in wetsurface and even underwater. You can also use this at high temperature. GorillaCrystal Clear Duct Tape can be used 10 degrees Fahrenheit to 120 degreesFahrenheit temperature range.
Gorilla Crystal Clear Duct Tape has an endless application area. Youcan tear this tape by hand since it has a notched edge design. Patching smoothsurfaces it is a great tape to use. But even if the surface is rough and unevenyou can also use this to seal and protect those surfaces.
It has satisfactory durability and it gives the best result if youapply it on a clean surface. To preventany kind of fingerprint it is recommended to clean your hands before using thetape and handle the tape only at its edge.
Sometimes the quality of the adhesive layer degrades and it doesnot work. If you are that unlucky customer you will find this tape not workingeven on a clean and dry surface.
5. T-Rex 241309 Ferociously Strong Tape
T-REX Brand Ferociously Strong Tape is an aggressively strong tapethat claims to fit in any indoor and outdoor project. It has 3 distinct layersand it contains adhesive of premium quality and the woven scrim has been madesuitable for any high tensile construction.
The material used to manufacture T-Rex 241309 Ferociously StrongTape has a high resistance against UV so that UV cannot weaken the adhesive andyou can enjoy the great service provided by T-Rex for a long time.
The durable waterproof backing has made it suitable for use in thewet or moisturized environment. On the other hand, you can also use it at hightemperature. The total temperature range of its application is between 50°F –200°F.
It is a popular tape among homeowner, craftsmen, and outdoorsmento use on brick, concrete, shingles, painted and non-painted wood, and vinylsiding, and so on.
Since it is very sticky you may find it difficult to tear. Itsdurability is quite less on a metal project. It also does not stick well on thepipe insulation made of rubber. Though it has intense holding power you maymake a mess while applying it on the intended surface because of itsstickiness.
6. Gaffer Power Transparent Duct Tape
Gaffer Power Transparent Duct Tape is a weather-resistant ducttape suitable for both light and heavy-duty projects. It is a transparent tapeand restores the defective features & surfaces so finely that you cannotidentify the previous defect easily.
You can tear it easily into strips because it has a biaxially-oriented propylene backing with acrylic resin adhesive. The high strength of this Gaffer Power tape provides good workability for quick, pain-free repairs.
This tape is considered as an ideal greenhouse tape that finelysticks to a different type of surfaces including rough and smooth surfaces likewood, plastic, glass, vinyl, brick, stucco metal, and rubber, etc.
It can withstand rains & storms as well as humidity &sweltering summer days. So, you can choose this tape for both indoor andoutdoor projects.
This tape is not so thick, rather it is quite flimsy and you canpeel it off easily from the surface. It loses its adhesiveness gradually in a dampenvironment. It can tear apart if there is tension where it is applied. Itsperformance is not good on the metal project.
Gaffer Power Transparent Duct Tape has been manufactured by the USAunder the strictest quality assurance guidelines. Finally, come to the mostimportant part that you never can ignore and that is price. Price of GafferPower Transparent Duct Tape is more than conventional duct tape.

7. TradeGear Electrical Tape
TradeGear is a heavy-duty electrical tape that provides quickinsulation for any wiring job. It conforms to sharp contours and since it has industrialstrength it can hold a tight grip for reliable performance.
The heavy-duty, industrial-grade PVC material has been used to makeTradeGear Electrical Tape. A sticky rubber resin of premium quality has beenused as an adhesive in this tape. Because of maintaining good quality TradeGearhas been achieved UL certification.
You can use this tape for cable coding, quick identification ofelectrical phases, circuits, feeders, and branches. You can repairspliced wires, cable insulation, wire bundling, etc. with this electrical tape.
It is wide enough to wrap any fault and you will be happy to knowthat it is available in 10 multiple colors including black, red, white, green,gray, purple, orange, yellow, brown, blue tape.
It is flame retardant, resistant to acids, alkalis, UV, oil, abrasion,and moisture. So, this tape is able to give you service for a long time.
It can withstand 600 Volt operating voltage, and 80 °C (176 °F)operating temperature. This tape is safe to use within most domestic andindustrial ranges.
This tape releases toxic fumes that can be dangerous. Sometimeswhen you wrap-around this tape the end of it unravels leaving it ineffective.
8. X-Treme Tape TPE-XR1510ZLB Self Fusing Tape
X-Treme Tape TPE-XR1510ZLB Self Fusing Tape is 15% thicker thanthe competitive products. It is manufactured by following special siliconeformula that provides it high bonding characteristics. Because of having highbonding characteristics it has good tensile strength.
You can use this strong self-fusing tape in a wide range oftemperature from -50°C (-60°F) to 260°C (500°F). It has the ability towithstand extreme weather condition. It can insulate up to 400 volts/mil.
X-Treme Tape TPE-XR1510ZLB Self Fusing Tape is available in only onecolor. It is not so thick. So if you use it in such a place where it has toendure a significant amount of pressure it may not last long.
The adhesive used in X-Treme Tape TPE-XR1510ZLB is super strongand on the other hand, you can remove it easily by cutting it. It sticks toitself strongly and once you have applied it on a surface it is very hard tounwrap it unless you cut it.
This tape is not good to fix problems of small electrical wire(charger cables, USB, etc.) but it works very well for the cable of thebattery.
It is not waterproof and so if you want to use this tape to fixproblems of your hose it will not work. It has a reasonable price and so youcan easily afford it.
9. ProTapes Pro Flex Flexible Tape
ProTapes Pro Flex Flexible Tape is able to withstand all weathercondition within a limited temperature range. It is a flexible tape able torepair shield.
It contains strong adhesive and can fix any fault quickly on apermanent basis. It shows good resistance against UV and lasts for a long time.
It is free from VOC (Volatile Organic Compound). So it is safe foryour health. This tape is able to provide service within -70 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
From its name you can understand that it is flexible to conform inany shape. The surface you are going to apply this tape should be clean anddry. After ensuring these 2 conditions “cleanliness” and “dryness” you canapply this tape around curbs, vents, chimneys, AC systems, antennas or anyroof-penetrating devices to ensure extra security.
You can also use this ProTapes Pro Flex Flexible Tape tostop leaks on mobile homes, RVs, rail cars, trucks and vans, garden sheds,tarpaulins, and some unpressurized piping. It has a waterproof backing and soit shows good resistance against moisture content.
It also shows good resistance against solvent and chemical. Soeven if it comes in contact with harsh chemical or solvent it will not lose itsadhesive characteristics.
Since it contains strong adhesive you may make a mess unwrappingthis tape. It also shows poor performance where it is needed to stop leaking ofwater.
10. Gorilla 4612502 Waterproof Tape
Gorilla Waterproof tape is a patch and seals flexible tape. Tosealout air, water and moisture this tape creates a permanent bond. This tape isable to work in both indoor and outdoor and if needed you can use this tapeeven underwater.
It has a thick adhesive layer of butyl and strong UV resistantbacking. The adhesive layer is thicker than an ordinary tape. Since it has goodUV resistance property when you will use it outdoor or roof where sunlightreaches directly.
The adhesive remains on only one side of the tape. Since butyladhesive has been used in Gorilla Waterproof tape does not become yellow withtime.
It is easily conformable. So to repair any hole,crack, gap, and tear this tape can come to great use of you.
One can use this tape for varieties of application e.g. you canuse this tape to repair repairs leaks in roofs, low-pressure pipes and hoses, RVrepairs, gutter, camper & tarp repair, skylight repair, rubber, plastic orvinyl pool liners and much more.
It does not work very well under pressure. It is also prohibitedto use on seams or for automotive applications under the hood. The surface youare going to apply it shows repellency against water this tape will not adhereto that surface and the same thing is true for a silicone surface.
There is a high possibility of damaging the paint of the surfaceduring removing the tape and you also should not hang it. After using this tapesome users complained that it shows poor waterproof performance.
How Waterproof Tape Works?
Every soluble material dissolves in water by making hydrogen bond. In waterproof tape rubber or vinyl, the adhesive has been used as backing material and both of these material does not make any hydrogen bond with water. That is why waterproof tape shows good performance in the moisturized environment or underwater environment.
Different Types of Waterproof Tape
Different types of waterproof tapes are available in themarket and each type has a specific purpose or application. If you have goodknowledge about different types of waterproof tape you can buy the right tapefor the right work.
Here is a list of common types of waterproof tape:
- Waterproof reflective tape: It is used in a differenttype of vehicles like car, truck, van, etc. as a sticker.
- Waterproof drywall tape: To fix the cracks andjoints or holes of drywall, stucco, plasterboard, and the other surfaces thistape is widely used.
- Waterproof rubber tape: To repair large holes, cracks, gaps of metal,PVC, ceramic, glass, drywall, EPDM roofs, some plastics, fabrics waterproofrubber tape is used.
- Waterproof plumber tape: To repair plumbingfaults this tape is a great solution.
- Waterproof mounting tape: Waterproof mounting tape is widely used as areplacement for rivets, welds, and screws.
- Waterproof vinyl tape: To repair faults of theelectrical line waterproof vinyl tape is used.
- Waterproof adhesive tape: This tape is used formedical purpose.
Also read – best tape gun
Best Waterproof Tape Buying Guide
To pick up the best quality waterproof tape from itsnumerous brand and model you have to know about the important characteristicsof waterproof tape that indicates its quality. The following 8 key factors areimportant to check to buy a good quality waterproof tape:
8 Key Factors to Check to Buy Best Waterproof Tape
1. Waterproofing property
This is the basic property you are looking for. So firstlycheck this property. The tape should have the ability to stick on a wetsurface. As an important part of the waterproofing property, the tape shouldhave rubber or vinyl backing.
If it has good waterproofingproperty you can check the next parameters.
2. Adhesive
The tape should contain a strong adhesive to fix any leak orfault properly and to show good performance for a long time.
3. Tensile Strength
The tape may need to endure pressure or load. So it shouldhave good tensile strength.
4. Ease of Use
Some tapes contain strong adhesive, have good tensilestrength, good resistance against moisture or water still they will not come toany of your usages because it is difficult to unwrap and cut those tapes.
5. Electrical Use
If you are purchasing a tape for electrical use do notforget to check whether the tape is made for electrical use or not because alltapes are not able to withstand high voltage and temperature created byelectrical line.
6. Temperature Range
Each tape is able to work within a specific temperaturerange. If the temperature you are going to use the tape is not within thatrange it will not show good performance.
7. Marking
An important characteristic of a good quality waterprooftape is that it does not leave any mark on the items you are applying it or onthe hand of users.
8. Durability
The adhesive of some tapes are not durable and as a result,you have to change the tape after a few days. So durability is also animportant matter of consideration.
Waterproof Tape Uses
The waterproof tape has varieties of applications. Some common application of waterproof tape is discussed here:
Plumbing and Hoses
To repair the leaks of plumbing pipes and hoses waterprooftapes are commonly used.
To install shower easily and to make its corners and joinscompletely waterproof behind shower liners and tiles waterproof tapes arewidely used.
To repair the holes of pools and to patch cover or liner leaks waterproof tapes provide a great solution.
To patch holes in boats waterproof tapes can come to greatuse of you.
To repair glasses of a car or home windows transparentwaterproof tapes can come to your help.
Medical Purpose
Waterproof First Aid Tapes are able to f protect skin fromblistering and prevents water to reach to your wound.
Some products need waterproof packaging to maintain itsquality and characteristics. Waterproof tapes are used for such waterproofpackaging.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Are waterproof and water-resistant tapes the same?
Ans: No, there is a slight difference between waterproof and water-resistant. For example, all duct tapes are water-resistant but only some specially formulated duct tapes are waterproof.
Q: Can I use any waterproof tape in the electrical line?
Ans: No, all waterproof tapes are not meant to use in the electrical line.
Q: What is the highest temperature range a waterproof tape can be used?
Ans: It varies from model to model. Generally, a premium-quality waterproof tape can endure a maximum of 200 degrees Fahrenheit temperature.
Q: Is there any possibility of melting waterproof tape at a high temperature within the depicted temperature limit?
Ans: If the tape is at high temperature for a long time it may melt even within the temperature limit.
The waterproof tapehas numerous brands and models. If you have a lot of energy and time you cansearch for one from the market for your use. But if you do not have a lot ofenergy and time you can pick one from our list of 10 best waterproof tape.
Each tape has some pros and cons. While choosing one give most importance on your primary need. To save more of your time I would like to reveal the name of best waterproof among the best according to our research and that is SolutioNerd Waterproofing Repair Tape.